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Breathe In, Breathe Out: Dealing With Stress in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

Now that the school year is in full swing, our lives have become way more hectic. Trying to find time to manage classes, homework, jobs, and activities around campus can definitely make us feel like we are non-stop all day long. With all this craziness, it is inevitable to completely avoid the stress that comes along with being a college student.


However, finding healthy ways to deal with and release stress is essential to staying level headed and living a well-rounded life.


We all have had those days where we are sitting in the library for hours on end and it feels like the work load is never ending. We feel like we have ten things to get done and all ten of those things need to be done now. We can feel the stress and anxiety building up inside of us. Sometimes the best thing to do is take a step away from our work and go on a run. Running, or any exercise for that matter, releases endorphins, which allows our body to relax. Running to The Grotto is great because you can take a moment when you get there and embrace the beautiful scenery. Once you return to campus, go back to the library and hopefully you will feel much calmer.   


Another great, healthy way to release stress is by simply making a phone call. If you are feeling overwhelmed with the workload you have and everything else going on in life, picking up the phone to call a family member or friend may help you feel better. Sometimes a phone call to the people you care most about can be reassuring because they remind you that everything is going to be okay and you can handle whatever life throws at you. Having some reassurance can boost your confidence and allow your stress level to decrease.


Sometimes when we are feeling stressed, all we need to do is laugh! Just like exercising, laughing allows us to release endorphins, which can make us happier.  If you’re ever feeling over stressed, talk to a friend you know can always make you laugh or watch a funny YouTube video! This will allow you to take a step away from whatever is causing your stress and give you a chance to live in the moment and just laugh!

Stress is something that we cannot avoid. It is simply a part of our lives. A little bit of stress is never a bad thing, but when it gets to the point where it’s taking over our lives, it’s important to find healthy ways to relieve it.

Lauren is happily living life as a Communication Studies Major at Saint Mary's College. When not writing for Her Campus or studying for classes, she can be found binge watching reality TV or obsessing over Notre Dame Football.
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Claire Condon

Saint Mary's

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