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Be Present, Be Happy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

A few weekends ago I attended my first level of yoga teacher training with YogaFit.  Yoga has become a huge passion of mine and becoming a yoga teacher has been one of my fitness goals for a year or so now.  While I did learn how to teach yoga to others, I also learned how important it is to be in the present moment during your practice.  During yoga you are giving yourself the time to not focus on anything else besides what your body is telling you. A light bulb went off in my head when I heard that.


I always have a hard time putting thoughts in my head to sleep.  I’ve always been an over-thinker and I tend to stress over things that I can’t control.  I’m a person that likes to have a rough idea of where I’m at, whether if it’s in relationships, school, my future career, or even what I’m going to have for lunch that day.  While having a plan is not necessarily a bad thing, I’ve found that it can be very limiting. I tend to hold myself back from having really fulfilling relationships and experiences just because it did not fit into my plan.  Being too focused on things I cannot control is something that I regret. I also realize that this is something that cannot be changed overnight. I know that I’m always going to make plans about my life, but being flexible within those plans is something I’m going to have to work on.


I believe that everything happens for a reason and if something feels right, then go for it.  Forcing yourself to not do something because it doesn’t fit into your plan causes mixed feelings and stress.  Live in the moment and do what makes you happy, even if it is unexpected and scary. As beloved Comm Studies professor Terri Russ says, “Lean into the Ambiguity”.  You can never be sure what life if going to throw your way so you might as well do things you’re not sure of. Or just do some yoga…that works too.


Caroline Blue

Saint Mary's

Colleen Zewe

Saint Mary's '18

I love fall, holidays, PSLs and forcing my dog to take pictures with me for Snapchat.