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5 Ways to Get Ready for Move Out

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

Finals will soon be upon us and move out will be here in no time. Here are some tips to avoid feeling frazzled after finals.

1. Put away all your winter clothes for the summer in plastic bins or bags and pack your summer clothes into suitcases you can easily unpack at home. 

2. Organize everything you want to keep and donate, and then donate or recycle everything you no longer need (the KonMari method is now conviently a binge-worthy show on Netflix!)\

3. Recycle any school materials you no longer need and file away what you should keep. 

4. Thoroughly mop, sweep, vacuum, and dust your room (maybe plug in an air freshner?)

5. Pack away the non-essential items so you only need to pack up your day-to-day needs. 

A senior at Saint Mary's College in Notre Dame, IN studying Theatre, Film, and English. An avid lover of indie films, thrift stores, and color coding. Trying to do it all, sometimes succeeding.