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21 Things I Learned By 21

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.


  1. Random acts of kindness go a long way.

  2. Wanting something doesn’t always mean you’ll get it.

  3. Never pass up the chance to pet a cute dog.

  4. Everything worth having takes time, and usually some hard work.

  5. Work a few crappy jobs. It will make you appreciate the other people who work at crappy jobs more.

  6. Always apply for the internship, job, or role even if you don’t think you’ll get it.

  7. Early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable.

  8. Anything you think you know for sure, you probably don’t.

  9. Friendships require time, and you should make the time for them.

  10. Every day is a new start, with no mistakes in it.

  11. Drink water when you can.

  12. Always invest in comfortable shoes.

  13. Be an active listener.

  14. You don’t know everything, and that’s okay.  

  15. A dull pencil remembers more than a sharp mind.

  16. Take care of yourself physically and mentally.

  17. Watch sunrises when you can.

  18. Don’t forget to look up every once in awhile.

  19. Don’t be afraid to say you made a mistake.

  20. Strive to be the best version of yourself, don’t strive to be perfect.

  21. Enjoy the little things in life, like your first legal drink!

A senior at Saint Mary's College in Notre Dame, IN studying Theatre, Film, and English. An avid lover of indie films, thrift stores, and color coding. Trying to do it all, sometimes succeeding. 
Colleen Zewe

Saint Mary's '18

I love fall, holidays, PSLs and forcing my dog to take pictures with me for Snapchat.