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Wellness > Health

10 Things to Tell Yourself When You Don’t Want to Workout

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

When the chaos of school hits, its hard to not hit the snooze button and fall behind on your New Year’s Resolutions. Here are ten things to tell yourself when you’ve lost the motivation to hit the gym. 

1. You’ll feel better after (no guilt from skipping). 

2. It will wake you up without thew coffee. 

3. A 20 minute workout still counts if you usually work out 40 minutes. 

4. Your body will thank you!

5. It will make you feel energized in 20 minutes!

6. It will help you sleep better. 

7. Any workout is better than nothing. 

8. Going now will make you feel inspired if you lose motivation again. 

9. A workout can help offset any unhealthy foods you may eat. 

10. It will bring you one step closer to your goals!


A senior at Saint Mary's College in Notre Dame, IN studying Theatre, Film, and English. An avid lover of indie films, thrift stores, and color coding. Trying to do it all, sometimes succeeding.