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This Year’s Resolution: To Actually Keep Your Resolution

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

“This year, I am going to lose weight!”

“This year, I am going to find love!”

“This year, I am going to save money!

Yeah, we’ve all heard that before. If not, we’ve all said something like that before! People make New Year’s resolutions all the time, but if you’re not going to stick to them, then what is the point? Why do we love making these promises that only a select few of us actually follow through with? On New Year’s Eve, people generally spend time reflecting back on their year, reminiscing about the good times, and, of course, the bad times like those embarrassing moments that they never want to relive. You’re thinking “New year, new me! How can I make this coming year even better than the last one?” Yeah, I’m pretty sure we all ask that question on New Year’s Eve.

So what makes us abandon our resolutions and that idea of becoming a “better you?” Well first, it’s possible that people make unrealistic New Year’s resolutions. People think that, because they have a whole year, they can definitely follow through with their resolutions. Sorry guys, but some things take time including losing a certain amount of weight, saving up the money you need for that vacation, or finding the love of your life. In some cases, resolutioners are just not as committed throughout the year as they had promised after that fifth glass of champagne on NYE. That’s not a bad thing; it’s just a fact.  

Do you really want to try and keep your New Year’s resolution this year? If so, here are four simple, yet reliable tips to help you jump-start yours!

1. Test the Water

If you have a New Year’s resolution in mind, but you’re not exactly sure if you can realistically follow through with it, just test it out first! Try to go through with it for a few days prior to the start of the New Year, and if it seems impossible or has a negative affect on your personal life and/or mood, then pick a new one. Being honest and realistic with yourself is important. If the first one doesn’t work out, at least you can say that you tried.

2. Write it Out

Writing has a way of keeping people organized. People who put their goals down on paper are significantly more likely to achieve them. Think of it as writing your own contract for yourself. Having them down on paper will keep you reminded that you are working towards a goal and that it’s important. If it wasn’t important, then why would you take the time to remind yourself with a note?

3. Make the Time

Life can get hectic sometimes; it happens to the best of us. We get so busy with work, school, or whatever else it may be, and sometimes we barely have the time to do things we want let alone a New Year’s resolution that is challenging us. With that being said, it’s important to work your New Year’s resolution into your everyday schedule. After a while, it won’t feel like you are so much busier than you were before. It will become habit rather than a resolution.

4. Take it Slowly

Some people will choose to be overachievers and set themselves more than one New Year’s resolutions. If you can do it, then all the power to you. However, remember not to attempt more than you know you can handle. If you’re going to set multiple goals for yourself, then I suggest keeping them simple and making one change at a time. 


New Year’s resolutions can be fun, new, and exciting, but they do pose a challenge! You challenge yourself to follow through with your goals for the upcoming year in order to enhance your life in whichever way you see fit. And hey, if you don’t achieve them…well, there’s always next year! 

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Victoria Caputo

Sacred Heart

Victoria Caputo is a junior at Sacred Heart University. She is an English Major with a double minor in Creative Writing and Graphic Design studying as a graduate student in the Elementary Education program. She is a co-chair of Relay for Life, the founder and President of To Write Love on Her Arms, and the newly appointed Treasurer of SHU's Her Campus Chapter!
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