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What 48 Hours Without Screens Looks Like

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

Yes, you read the title correctly- 48 hours with no screens. Phone, laptop, and TV all turned off.  Now, I didn’t willingly do this I must admit.  It was for a Philosophy class, but I was very intrigued because technology has consumed my life for as long as I can remember.  Growing up, I played outside as kids do; however, I did watch educational shows like Sesame Street, and as I grew up I of course watched more age appropriate TV.  Then, I got a phone, and my high school introduced IPads, and finally I currently have an IPhone, Laptop, IPad, and a TV.  It’s crazy to think that these devices have overtaken our lives, so I decided to take the challenge and go an entire weekend “in the dark.” 


Starting this weekend off, it didn’t seem that bad.  I have a really busy schedule, so I’m not on my phone much, plus I wouldn’t miss social media because I gave that up for lent.  However, once I  woke up the first morning, the first thing I looked for was my phone to see where my friends were, but I couldn’t.  That had to be the hardest thing was not being able to easily contact my friends or family.  Overall, the whole weekend went better than I thought it would. I did miss Netflix, but it was nice to just get away for awhile. It also helped me be present in what was going on.  I never realized how much I checked my phone while I talked to my friends.    

 My main takeaways were to overall limit my screen time.  I always fall asleep to Netflix, and I’ve been trying to limit that. I also realized how much tedious and useless time I spend on my phone.  While standing in line, I immediately go on my phone, when I am walking in the hallway, I’m on my phone, and even in class when I get bored I’m on my phone.  This experience taught me that I need to focus more on what’s going on around me and to only go on my phone if I need to.  For example, communication obviously, or if I need to look something up.  The bottom line is that technology is majorly helpful, but I think we all need to focus and find out ways to cut it out when it becomes life consuming.

Colleen Shaffer

Sacred Heart '22

My name is Colleen Shaffer, and I’m an aspiring Journalist focusing in political science!! My dream job is to be able to write about what going on in the world while being able to be in those countries! I love writing, and I hope you enjoy reading my articles as much I love writing them!
Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart '24

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