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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

Do you live to eat, not eat to live? If so, then you my friend, are a “Foodie”. Don’t be ashamed, you just love and appreciate food a little bit more than the next person. Once you admit that you’re a Foodie, you will notice these unrecognizably struggles you face all the time.  


You eat even when you’re not hungry: You can be absolutely stuffed after a 3-course meal but when offerred a dessert, the answer will always be a yes!


You can’t watch other people eat without joining them on the fun: “Hey you gonna finish that?” comes out of your mouth 5 times a day.


Buffets are dangerous: You appreciate all types of food, a little sample of everything never hurt anyone.


If you’re bored, food is always the answer: Watching Netflix alone? Food will keep you company.


You dream of Costco Samples: Costco on the weekend is heaven for a Foodie. Free samples are life.


You immediately regret eating it: In the moment, the food was amazing and you enjoyed every bite but then you realize summer is in two months.



For all my fellow Foodies who can relate to these struggles, don’t feel as bad. When you say you’re going to try something but eat the entire thing or simply feel like a bottomless pit 24/7, it’s okay, you’re not alone. Enjoy the free food offers and order that dessert you cannot miss. Live. Laugh. Food. 

Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart '24

The official contributor profile for the Her Campus chapter at Sacred Heart.