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Nutella Addiction Anonymous (Happy World Nutella Day)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

Your reaction to the phrase, “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.”


When you tell someone that you could eat a whole jar of Nutella in one sitting and they respond “Haha you must be kidding!” and you’re like… “I’m dead serious.”


When you see that Nutella is on sale this week.


When someone tries to tell you that Nutella isn’t healthy and you should stop eating it so much.


When you’ve had the worst day ever and want to punch everyone in the face but then you remember you can eat Nutella.


When most people look for something they can add Nutella to and you’re like…


When you expected your Nutella to last longer but you and your roommates ate it all in one weekend.


When someone has never tried Nutella.


When it’s World Nutella Day!

Taylor Lane is a senior in the Sacred Heart University school of education. She majors in English and is a section editor for the school newspaper, Spectrum. She is a captain on the Division I Softball team. Taylor aspires to be a special education teacher and spends her free time volunteering in programs for people with special needs.