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How My Pre-Fall Program Prepared Me for College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

As many freshmen will agree, the transition from high school to college is not the easiest one.  At college, we are the little minnows in an ocean full of sharks and to be very honest, it is beyond intimidating.  Being thrown into a new environment, separated off from what we have known for the past 18 years, and sharing a room with a total stranger(s) is incredibly scary. However, I feel somewhat blessed in the sense that I had a support network and resources available to me before many other freshmen – these people were placed in my life through my Pre-Fall program. 

For one week prior to classes officially starting, approximately 40 incoming freshmen (including me) gathered in the Schine.  While none of us knew what to expect, we nervously and excitedly prepared to conquer the week.  The groups split up into two “houses”, and the people in our house would be our roommates for the following week.  You would think that having 13 girls inside one tiny classroom would be awful; instead, it was like one big week-long sleepover.  My new best friends came to be because of these girl talks.  Every night, the entire “house” would hang out and laugh, but more importantly, we strengthened our bond to provide service to our new community.  This community service allowed us to become friends, make conversation with future classmates, all while picking up trash on the streets or stocking shelves at a food pantry. 

When the week ended, we left our little bubble, and the nervousness of beginning college quickly began to sink in again; however, this time we had each other.  If someone wanted to get food, it was almost a guarantee that someone would be free to go with you.  Even walking through the halls seemed easier when you saw people you knew and they would stop to talk and ask you how your day was going.  Our mentors made themselves available to talk to us, answer any questions (even the trivial ones), or help us with any life adjustments or inconveniences, even the minor ones.  Leaving my family was the most difficult thing I have ever had to do, but I am very blessed that I now have a new family here at Sacred Heart. 

Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart '24

The official contributor profile for the Her Campus chapter at Sacred Heart.