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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

2020 has been a year. That’s for sure.

New Girl Nick Miller Frustrated GIF
Giphy / Fox

From the forest fires in Australia to the worldwide pandemic-the beginning of the decade isn’t looking too hot. What better way to end the year than an election (that lasts 5 days to be exact)?

New Girl Nick Miller Trapped GIF
Giphy / Fox

Whether this year has impacted your ability to gradate or get a job, everyone has been affected by this virus is one way or another. Remember when we all thought it would only last two weeks? Hahaha, good one.

Bobs Burger

The pandemic is a reality and unfortunately, we have to learn to live with it. What can you do to feel more at ease? For starters, change your mindset. Remember the whole world is experiencing the effects of this pandemic and we are all in it together. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to make things happen during the pandemic. The world isn’t normal right now.

self care isnt selfish sign
Photo by Madison Inouye from Pexels

When the world resumes to the “new normal”, we can move forward. Do the best you can with the uncertainties of the world right now. Also, since socializing isn’t really a thing right now, take this time to spend time with yourself. Treat your mind and body well since you may have more time to now since the world is calmer. Whether you take these words of wisdom or not, know that this pandemic won’t last forever. 


Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart '24

The official contributor profile for the Her Campus chapter at Sacred Heart.
Sacred Heart student from Mass, sharing my thoughts and interests with others on Her Campus :)