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How to Enjoy Spring Break From the Comfort of Your Own Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

Unlike most people on spring break, I won’t be going to Florida, Punta Cana, DR, or anywhere remotely warm. I’ll be enjoying this nice week off from the greatest place on this Earth, New Jersey.

As much as I would love to spend my week off getting a tan of a beach with clear blue water, I’m happy to spend a week off in my comfy bed at home. If you’re like me and are enjoying this week at home, here are some things you can do to make the most out of this week.


1. Catch Up on Sleep

We all know that college students have late nights and early mornings, so take this time to turn off all your alarms and go to bed at 10pm and wake up at 11 am.

2. Enjoy Some Nice Home-cooked Meals

Dining hall food gets old. There’s nothing better than your mom’s home cooked meals (or when my mom has had a long day, a nice slice of New Jersey pizza).

3. Do Absolutely Nothing! 

Doing absolutely anything all day at school is so exhausting. To me pure bliss is waking up and being able to just lay in bed with no responsibilities because there’s no classes to go to and no homework due.

4. Catch up on TV Shows

I don’t know about you, but I watch way too many TV shows for my own good. I am also so behind on all of them due to the amount of work I have every week. I will definitely be spending my time off bingeing all of my favorite shows.

Those are my tips on how to live your best life during spring break without breaking the bank with flights and hotels!


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