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How to Cope With College Homesickness

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

Kristen Bryant-Thinking In A Lala College Sweatshirt
Kristen Bryant / Her Campus


If any of you have experienced being a college freshmen at one point, this should sound familiar. It is the day you have been anticipating since freshman year of high school: college move in day. There are butterflies in your stomach and tears in your eyes realizing that this is goodbye to a chapter in life. This is to living with a roommate(s), packing 18 years or so of your life away in boxes, and taking on the world solo. Similarly to what you’ve heard in movies, these next four years are expected to be the best of your life. You have all of these emotions and nowhere to place them besides in your own hands; it is the first time in your young life that you have the freedom to do or be whoever you want, to completely start over. Writing this new chapter is exhilarating but also comes with the common feelings of homesickness. As a college freshmen myself I have first-handedly experienced being homesick & have experience in overcoming similar feelings. 


Woman In Black Long Sleeve Dress Standing On Brown Concrete
Stanley Morales / Pexels


1. Being Open 

One of the most important things to be in college is to be open to any experiences that come your way. The first week will consist of people coming in and out of your life and you have to be in the mindset to understand that not everyone is meant to stay. People are in your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime; as I have learned throughout my experience at Sacred Heart thus far. Living with an open mind & an open heart, taking opportunities to meet people, and ultimately being yourself, are fundamental ways to remain open in your experience at college. The first week will be a challenge because everything starts to hit you at once, like homesickness; which is completely normal! Through remaining positive and going-with-the-flow you will be able to navigate through meaningful friendships and experiences like no other the first week of college.


three women sitting on a couch with laptops
Photo by wocintechchat.com from Unsplash


2. Getting Involved

As many will tell you, one of the most beneficial ways to conquer homesickness is forming a family away from home at school; in which some may refer to as a home away from home. In college it is so easy to get involved and meet people through organizations you can join such as: Greek life, varsity/intramural athletics, leadership positions, as well as clubs such as Her Campus! The more you get involved, the easier it is to start establishing your new life apart from home. In my experience I have met so many close friends through experiences I have taken and clubs I have joined. This is because you are connected with people who have similar interests to you & from there it becomes easy to form friendships. Homesickness can be conquered through forming those necessary connections.

Cheering Games Stand_Bleachers
Yash Tulsiani / Spoon

3. Knowing your Resources

Feeling stuck or homesick may seem minor to some incoming freshmen, but to others those feelings have the capacity to lead to some mental health issues if not properly addressed. College in all aspects is a huge transitional period which at times can feel overwhelming, but it is an experience you tend to grow from emotionally. As incredible as college life is, it absolutely comes with many hurdles; in which you have to practically create a new life for yourself apart from everything you once knew. If feelings of homesickness do not improve there are many resources on campus that can assist you in managing life as a college freshmen. Some are mental health professionals, residence hall directors, professors, and close friends you make along the way. These feelings of homesickness are normal and easily addressable if talked about with someone you trust. 

A photo of scrabble words assembled to spell \"anxiety\"
uploaded to Pixabay by Wokandapix

Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart '24

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