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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

As young adults trying to navigate the world we feel overwhelmed, anxious, and curious as to what is going to happen in the coming days, months, and especially after graduation. It can be really overwhelming and everyone deals with stress differently. I have learned a few tips and tricks that help keep me relaxed and less anxious.

*These may not work for everyone but I hope at least one helps you.* 

  1. Self care 

Self care is really important and I don’t just mean face masks. In order to practice selfcare you need to actually take care of yourself by eating healthy, getting enough sleep, moving your body, and keeping your mind clear of negative thoughts. 

  1. Create a routine

By creating a routine for yourself you will have a schedule to follow that will keep you organized. You will also be able to know when you have freetime to do things other than school work or class setting yourself time to be able to relax. 

  1. Talk to your friends and family 

When I get overwhelmed and anxious calling my parents, sister, or friends always makes me feel better. Talking outloud or even typing out what you are stressed, anxious, or worried about makes me feel better because then I have it written doen and really know what I have to do. Also, during this process I normally realize that I can do it all and I will be able to get it done ontime. In addition, you should be surrounding yourself with people that bring the best out of you and do not add more stress to your life. 

  1. Focus on yourself 

I find this to be one of the hardest thing to do for myself but I think it is the most important tip. Having time to be alone and really think and process what emotions you are feeling, what you need to get done, and how you can be successful is extremely important. Being able to take the time and realize what steps you need to take to be the best version of yourself for yourself is essential. 

In the end the most important thing is to find how you can be successful, happy, and healthy.

In addition, asking for help when you need it is crucial and do not be ashamed of it. There are so many people who love and support you and only want to see you succeed. Overall, your mental health and well being should come first and I hope that these tips will help you if you need it.

Isabel Haglund

Sacred Heart '24

Isabel Haglund is a junior at Sacred Heart University majoring in Media Arts: Journalism. She is from a small town right outside of Boston, MA. This is her third year writing for Her Campus and she loves it