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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

As we pass the one year celebration of the Covid lockdown (woo), let’s brush off the seasonal depression and heavy coats for it is time to have a fresh start in spring 2021! Crystals are little pieces belonging to earth, and being around the wavelength of nature is enjoyable, I mean why have so many people become parents of house plants! A little bit of luck and good energy from these four crystals will be for our past self, present body, and future endeavors.


Known as the success stone, it encourages increasing personal power and energy while manifesting abundance and success. This bright and joyful stone is also used to combat negative energies and enhances mental clarity, confidence, and will power.


A strong protection stone that helps keep away negativity and attracts positivity. Encouragement of internal healing and purifying. This a great stone to combine with citrine, combining to create a true and genuine love (which everyone could use and deserving of). There is a deep connection between these two stones, since if amethyst is heat-treated, it will derive the yellowy citrine color.

Rose Quartz

Known as the ~love~ stone, though does not necessarily mean that the energy is meant for one to fall in love with a significant other. The core concept is universal love, and opens the heart to different kinds of love, such as self-love, friendship, deeper inner healing, and feelings of peace.

Clear Quartz

The “master healer,” clear quartz is powerful in balance within one’s body and strengthens the immune system (which we could all use right about now). Clear quartz is also is a source of energy for other crystals by amplifying and regulating the energy.

Sasha Medile

Sacred Heart '24

Freshman at Sacred Heart, majoring in Communications, I adore film photography, ultimate frisbee, and any beach. Very slowly becoming a plant mom.
Sacred Heart student from Mass, sharing my thoughts and interests with others on Her Campus :)