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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at RW chapter.

Inspiration and creativity are difficult things to capture even in the best of times. During lockdown, when life became monotonous and restricted for long periods of time, many creatives have struggled with both their in-home resources and their ability to create in such a non-changing environment. Although every creative person is different, here’s some tips and tricks to help you get back to your best, most productive and creative self.


Change Your Space

While not always the easiest task if you’re in a dorm room or somewhere similar, try to change your space! New posters or decor, introducing new colors to a space, or buying plants all help change your environment. Plants can especially brighten up a space and make your work area feel more cozy. Try anything you can to make things feel fresh and new. By changing your space and what you look at everyday while you work, you’re bringing in new inspiration and stimulating ideas.  


Keep Your Inspirations in One Place

Whether a Pinterest board, a file on your desktop or even a printed out collage, keep images and pieces of work from other creatives that inspire you in one place. When you’re in a rut and feeling stuck, you’ll want all these images together so you can look at a series of work that makes you feel like creating. Maybe it’s copying their style to try something new or taking a subject in their work and making it your own. No matter how it gets you to create, there’s no motivation like work that you love.



Exercise is a great way to clear your mind and focus your energy. It could be a quick walk to be inspired by the space around you, an intense music driven hustle, or whatever you like to do to get active. Exercise can help clear your mind and make way for new ideas or just get you out of the house in order to find something new you want to work on. Plus, the happiness hormones that come along with a good workout might put you in the right frame of mind to start making something great.


Get Organized and Eliminate Stress

Stress is a huge roadblock on the way to creativity. It clouds our minds and makes it impossible to work on something new. In order to change this, start getting organized. This is different for every person but some easy ways to get started include planners and lists. Make sure you’re prioritizing the things that stress you out the most in a manageable way so that you can get back to a clear mind. Stress may also be coming from a messy space, so try cleaning up your workspace and making it a part of your routine to create an area that calms you down. 


Accept the Place You’re In

While all the tips on this list are ways to get out of your creative rut, it’s also important to be gentle with yourself and sometimes accept being stuck. It’s ok to not be hyper productive all of the time. Take moments to just relax and not put too much pressure on yourself. Sometimes a simple break and self-love are the best solutions. 


Creativity is a state of mind and it comes in different waves. You need to find what makes you the most comfortable so that you can tap into your inspired side. Every individual is different so just remember that finding your creativity comes from both a healthy mind and a happy space. Help yourself go make something incredible. 


My name is Sophia Hess and I'm a junior from Leominster, MA. With a major in design and minors in marketing and visual arts, I'm passionate about art and aesthetics. In my free time I love being with friends, listening to music, and finding new places to work on photography.
Hi, I'm Jessie, the Campus Coordinator and Founder of Her Campus at Roger Williams University! I am a senior majoring in Communication and Media Studies and minoring in Marketing and Graphic Design. When not in school, I love to work out, shop, listen to music and spend time with my friends!