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Why and How Girls Should Empower Other Girls

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rutgers chapter.

Sometimes we feel lost in life, and forget that we are not in competition with one another, but only with our self. How often during a normal day do you feel yourself genuinely connecting with a fellow girl? On a college campus as massive as Rutgers University, it can be intimidating to try to make new friends, and easy to find yourself alone.

For a moment, think of a time that you felt lonely, wishing someone would strike up a conversation with you to make those in-between moments of life a little better. Whether it’s on the typically packed LX bus that may fall silent while people are buried into their phones, or in an awkwardly long elevator ride next to a quiet stranger. Just imagine how much fuller your day would be by filling some of these in-between moments with a fellow girl, and what you and she could potentially gain from the conversation between the two of you.

Personally, I am an extrovert and really feel energized by engaging with others. I get it, not everyone is, and values their alone time, as I do as well. But as an extrovert, I find it easier to talk to strangers than other people may. So I really try to “milk” the Rutgers experience by filling those in-between moments with kindness towards others, allowing me to learn empathy and different perspectives and lifestyles. This is empowering because it helps me grow in character as an individual. In my opinion, being able to relate to other people is essential in our journey to becoming the best version of ourselves.

What are the benefits of empowering other girls?

1. It feels really great!

Knowing that I’m making a difference in even a second of another girl’s day makes me happy because whether she had a horrible day, or the greatest, it is more than necessary to spread kindness in what can be an overwhelming world. We all truly value those deep talks with girlfriends where we build each other up, and get motivated and pumped. But how often do these types of conversations happen- when we are feeling down in the dumps, lacking a drive for life, or on an everyday basis? The tragic effects of a woman not feeling as though she’s enough because she is lacking support is devastating. Just exchanging a smile or complimenting a girl can change her entire mood. I know that when a girl who is a stranger compliments me, I feel more connected to womankind, since we obviously rule the world (duh).

2. Fight Sexism together.

With both benevolent sexism (when we don’t even realize it) and hostile sexism (when people are outright disrespectful) running rampant in our day-to-day lives, it is even more important that we support one another on our career goals, dreams, and aspirations. We all deserve happiness, and we have a right to feel like we can do anything we set our mind to, so we MUST empower one another. Empowering one another is vital in the business world, as women sometimes have to work harder than men to prove their abilities and intellect. As more and more women enter into previously and current male-dominated fields (STEM, law enforcement, medicine, etc.), we need to make sure we are there to support these women on issues like the gender pay gap and other policies regarding their careers like sexual harassment that unfortunately still exist in modern day.

For more information, check out Understanding Prejudice.

3. Make a friend :)

You never know when a shy smile or small talk may turn into an everlasting friendship with a fellow female you almost didn’t bother talking to. Just think about how many opportunities you have in one day to create a friendship with a girlfriend. Choose to love and support one another unconditionally. Empowering other women is a great conversation opener and a way to gauge what you both have in common, possibly leading to new great experiences together. It is easier than you think. Something as small as lending an ear for a venting session, or helping a woman develop a new skill can be extremely empowering and sentimental. Maybe you decide to paint together, or do yoga, or pray, cook, write, dance… the list is endless.

Don’t be afraid to empower one another, because there can never be too much love and support in this world.

Xo, Susie

Hi, I'm Susie! I have an undying passion for sharing my thoughts through words. I am an animal activist, yogi, singer, and tea drinker. My favorite things to write about are health and wellness, veganism, and self discovery.