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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rutgers chapter.

Photo Source: Pexels


A situationship? Never has a made-up phrase resonated with me so much. I remember scrolling through the many stories for the day and finding this coining of our generation’s dating habits. Of course! I’d never had a real relationship before, but a situationship is all I’d had. Men whose interactions with me were more than sex but not quite the caliber of a relationship. The type of situations where seemingly we were approaching exclusivity and our connections were strengthening and all of a sudden, any kind of linkage ceased to exist, otherwise known as ghosting.

Why is it so hard in modern times where technology and knowledge are meant to empower us that our dating lives are just as regressed as before? Sure, women now pick up men and decide how relationships will go and feel comfortable enough to establish their own boundaries and demands, but at the end of the day we are still in the same damn canoe. At this point we should be on a cruise, if anything our so-called progress is the titanic!

We have perfected our looks, education, and self-brand and our networking and socializing skills in the professional world, so how come we can’t transfer these skills into our intimate interactions? Is communicating with the individual in front of us about anything other than sex and bull that difficult? I personally see how in my situationships I put conversations off to the side that I know should be discussed at certain milestones and opt to ignore my brain because I’m just happy to have what I have at that moment. Aren’t we wise enough yet to know that we should spare ourselves from the pain, humiliation, and wasted time that comes from interactions that lead to nothing? Why do we still take the antiquated approach that this was just meant to happen and is part of the future falling into place?

I say we grow some balls, throw their heavy contents with our real questions and demands at the one opposite of us and figure out what the hell we really think, feel, and want in an effort to save everybody time and effort that can actually lead us to happy times and real relationships. Because, every day I still see people falling in love and making it look like a breeze, so what the hell, this will be our way of figuring it out and making it happen!

Photo Source: Pexels

Valentina is a business student with an open mind for all things creative and innovative. She knows the real-life struggles but maintains an idealist view. She can easily be entertained on a spectrum of Gossip Girl to House of Cards with Portlandia in between.