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Keys to a Confident and Successful Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rutgers chapter.

Now that we are three weeks into the semester, the workload is starting to pile up and the stress is setting in. Maybe you’re feeling a tad insecure, but no need to fear! Over the course of my collegiate career, I have gathered all the tricks in order to crush each semester. Here are some tips to help you successfully conquer this year both academically and socially, and feel confident while doing so.

Plan Ahead

College is an extremely overwhelming time, especially in terms of academics. The best way to be successful is to get ahead early. If you can, try to read or complete the work for the classes in the future. This way if you happen to be swamped with work one week it’s great to know that you won’t have to worry about this class. Also, it’s important to do all of your homework and readings prior to the due date. By completing all your assignments before the actual due date, you are put at an advantage. As tedious as it may seem, going over your work before submitting it is always a good idea. Most times you will catch a mistake that you glanced over the first time you completed it. Not only does finishing your homework early give you time to review, but it also alleviates stress. Instead of rushing to finish your homework and pulling an all nighter, you’ll be able to ease into that deadline.

Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

Academics are not the only obstacle you’ll face during your college career. Whether you’re a first year or a senior, socializing can be stressful. You have to be able to find a balance. Make sure to spend time with friends. If parties aren’t your scene, a kickback with friends is still a great way to socialize. However, even the most mellow hang out can be stressful. While in these situations it’s important to be yourself! People will like you for you. It’s easy to pretend to be someone you’re not to fit into a certain group of people. It will get old quick and you’ll find yourself missing the old you. If you aren’t ready to exude “real” confidence, fake it! You know what they say, “Fake it ‘til you make it”. Socially, it is important to put yourself outside your comfort zone. College is the best time to do so.

Confidence Is Key

Although you can “fake” confidence, it is important to know that there is no reason that you can’t truly be confident. Every person is unique in their own ways and that’s what makes them beautiful. Be sure to show the world the real you because when you’re happy in your own skin that is when you are the happiest. Take time and learn to love yourself by doing small things for you and no one else. For example, maybe there’s that one top that you’ve been dying to have, but you’re too afraid it “won’t look right”. Go and buy it! You’ll be so glad you did and see how happy it’ll make it you. Or you can simply just take a moment and put on that face mask and relax. Those small moments will help grow your confidence because the better you feel the more confident you’ll be.

College is difficult, but can be conquered. You will go through various struggles during your time in college. However, if you take charge and keep a positive mentality you’ll be able to get through the semester. My tips are just a guideline. You will learn so much and figure out your own tips.

(Photo by Lidya Nada on Unsplash)

Kate Dobbs

Rutgers '21

Kate Dobbs is currently a sophomore attending Rutgers University New Brunswick. She is currently majoring in History on a secondary education track with a specialization in Special Education and Public History. Additionally she is a spinning instructor at Rutgers University. She aspires to help her future students succeed and be set on a path of success. Instagram: katedobbs
Cassidy hails from Delaware County, Pennsylvania and is an undergraduate Journalism and Media Studies major and Psychology minor at Rutgers University with a passion for telling stories. She is the current Co-Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Rutgers.