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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rutgers chapter.

Okay everyone, do you know what time it is?  It’s ADVENTURE TIME!!

I wish it were adventure time since that show is the bomb.com, but sadly it is time for us to discuss internships! :( Yes, the sad face was needed since the struggle is so real when it comes to searching for internships and what to do when you get an interview for it.

Searching for internships can be annoying, especially when students don’t know what they want to do with their lives or searching just seems like too much work. You know what I’m talking about…when you’re sitting on the couch eating ice cream watching American Horror Story, you usually do NOT want to grab your laptop and look for jobs unless they pertain to our future laziness. We’ve all been there and I am the girl to guide you in the right direction.

Look for your internships ahead of time.

Employers usually put out their internships at the same time. This means if you are looking for internships for the spring semester, start looking now because the application deadlines usually fall within the next few weeks. If you’re looking to be a summer intern, applications are typically due in the beginning of the spring semester. Some places to look for internships are Ed2010.com, InternQueen.com, and InternMatch.com. Rutgers even has job fairs that would be great to look at especially if you’re in the business school or trying to get into medical school. The earlier you figure out what you want in life, the easier it can be to figure out how to achieve your dreams.

Start the application process and fixing your resume now.

Don’t hesitate to start applying because the longer you put it off, the greater the chance that you will forget to send in your application and resume on time. Go over the requirements that the company/organization is looking for and make sure you stay up to par with those qualifications. Also, review your resume and make sure you update it with your most recent information. Finally, places looking for internships usually ask for a cover letter with your resume, so if you don’t have one, make an appointment at one of the Rutgers Career Services offices and they can assist you with making one. If you don’t have the time to physically stop by one of their offices for help, Google it! A lot of websites have helpful suggestions for creating a cover letter and some even have templates you can follow.


Be yourself during your interview.

When you are walking into your internship interview, walk with confidence, but not so much that you’ll seem too cocky. Be yourself and never try to be something you are not. When you try to be someone other than your authentic self, it’s fairly obvious. No employer will trust a wishy-washy person; they want someone they can rely on. Wear fashionable, yet professional clothes for your interviews and do your homework on your potential employer. Prepare for the obvious questions they might ask you, such as, “Why do you think you would be a great intern to have for this establishment?” or “What are your strongest assets when it comes to working and which ones that you are working on?” You can look at places like Linkedin and Facebook to see how the organization is structured and how they operate. Knowing this information can be very beneficial during the interview process because this shows your interviewer that you really know what they’re all about.

Finally, have fun!

Your future internship is your opportunity to get up close and personal with the company you would love to work with one day! Have fun and take away opportunities that you usually wouldn’t get in a boring classroom or summer job. After you’re done with your internship, be sure to send a thank you letter to your boss. It shows that you really did appreciate the amazing opportunity they gave you to work with them and learning their craft.



Hey beauties reading this! :) My name is Alyssa and I am what my friends call a unicorn...if you don't know what that means, it means that I am an oddball and have lots of quirks about me! One of them is I find it weird I can hear people eat...yes I know its odd, hence why my friends call me a unicorn. I love fashion, news, and especially food. Another little fact about me...don't tell anyone (looks around the room frantically) I am secretly afraid of the dark! :O Hope you guys will love the articles I post for Her Campus Rutgers!