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Emery Sereno / Spoon

Everything You Need to Know About Green Juice

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rutgers chapter.

You’re probably familiar with what appears to be a fairly recent green juice craze that has been popping up everywhere from Whole Foods to Starbucks. You may have tried it under pressure of such relentless marketing, or maybe a friend recommended it to you. Maybe you tried one that was extremely bitter and potent and you hope never to taste again, or had one that was overpowered by added sweeteners. But did you really feel any different after drinking one serving of this supposed “super-food” nutritious green juice?

Let’s start with what may actually be in your green juice. I am a superfan of green juice because not surprisingly there are a ton of dietary benefits to it, and believe me, you actually learn to like the flavor after a while. Crazy, I know. So for me, I juice celery and purchase organic as often as possible. Organic produce lack conventional pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and insecticides, but do use different pesticides that are permitted in organic farming. Organic pesticides are those derived from natural sources and processed lightly if at all before use. Organic farmers try to use the least-toxic approach possible. With that, I practice juicing to make myself healthier, and I definitely don’t want to microdose poison from yucky non-organic agricultural methods, so shop organic as much as you can. If you buy at a farmer’s market, organic produce may be cheaper than non-organic produce at the grocery store! There are plenty of places to pick up fresh green juice if you don’t have access to a juicer or if you’re not interested in juicing. Some people experiment with juice cleanses to assist with weight loss or to do a detox. A lot of celebrities and public figures swear by them to give them a boost or help them remain healthy.

If you’re buying juice at a juice bar, or bottled out of convenience, be sure that it’s labeled “cold-pressed.” Similar to cooking oils, cold-pressed is considered the most nutritious by nutritionists and medical professionals. Cold-pressed juice protects and preserves the nutrients. The juicer uses a hydraulic press, and no heat involved, keeping it raw and retaining vitamins. It assists your body in detoxifying from both unwanted pollutants, like second-hand smoke, and welcomed ones, like alcohol and junk foods. Cold-pressed juice help fight toxins and boost immunity.

a woman stands in front of the health juice/kombucha shelves at a grocery store
kc0uvb | Pixabay

To start, juice your own beverage as often as possible, and every morning. This is not a food you should meal prep. You want all the nutrients in their freshest form. Try not to freeze your celery beforehand – this gives the juice a very bitter taste. Buy often so you enjoy optimal freshness. You should wash your celery with warm water prior to juicing and be sure to use every part of the stalk. There are specific benefits to juicing the leafy, bitter part. There is so much you can put in your green juice besides celery, but if you add other things to your juice, even by diluting it with ice cubes, or adding lemon or stevia to mask the taste, you will mitigate some of the nutritional benefits. So stick with literally just celery – a bunch per day, about 16-32 oz per cup is the recommended serving. In the beginning, drink a little and ease your way up to the recommended intake. Drink it on an empty stomach as soon as you wake up, and don’t eat or drink anything for thirty minutes following that. If you’re just starting out and simply cannot fathom the taste, I recommend juicing an apple or two (organic obviously) and add it to the celery. Celery juice is an extremely potent way to alkalize the gut, and starve harmful bacteria that cause illness and disease in the body, which may show itself in various ways like unrestful sleep, acne, obesity, plus a multitude of other things varying from mild to severe illnesses. Celery juice has not been proven in scientific studies, but the evidence exists for itself in what can be considered human trials – millions of people all over the world of all ages, backgrounds, and lifestyles speaking to the validity and sharing their healing stories on social media, which has since its start in 1975 has spread like wildfire. One of the main contributors to this growing field of what he considers a miracle healer is Anthony William, #1 NY Times best-selling author. Find everything you need to know through his books and at his website here. It is the first trend that has spread so quickly without any funding because it truly works.

Jocelyn Hsu / Spoon

As mentioned before, it is best to drink celery juice on its own, but you can add romaine, parsley, lemon, lime, spinach, cucumber, kale, cilantro or apples in different combinations with celery at another time of the day.

Some benefits of celery juice, according to Medical Medium:

-clearer skin/heals acne

-improved digestion

-heals headaches and migraines

-reduces bloating

-sustained energy

-prevents high blood pressure

-lowers inflammation

-improved mental clarity

-fights eczema and psoriasis 

-prevents UTI’s 

-supports weight loss  

Here’s the juicer I use. No pulp in my juice, easy cleanup, and very safe. I highly recommend it. This specific juicer is featured in a documentary on Netflix, Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. It focuses on how people suffering from obesity and overweightness juice themselves back to health. Here’s the website of the creator of the film to find out more information.



Hi, I'm Susie! I have an undying passion for sharing my thoughts through words. I am an animal activist, yogi, singer, and tea drinker. My favorite things to write about are health and wellness, veganism, and self discovery.