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Why Graduating is Like Being Dumped by Rowan University

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.

You were in a monogamous, long-term relationship with Rowan and now it’s harshly over.

It’s not your fault or Rowan’s fault—you got along great, had fun times, learned about yourself but you were just headed in different directions with your lives.

It’s not fair, Rowan will continue to make many other students happy while you move onto…the “real world.”

You put away pictures of you at Rowan as you slowly pack up your room and think about all the great memories you’ve made here.

You decide to visit some of your favorite places at Rowan to reflect on all the great times you had.

It’s nice to think you will remain “friends” but you aren’t convinced.

 Keeping in contact on social media and meeting up for alumni events seems impossible compared to all the time you used to spend together.

After a lot of thinking, venting and crying you decide this: Your experience at Rowan has made you who you are and will always be a part of you but you have to move on…There are tons of other experiences just waiting for you, you can’t stop now.