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What is Beauty? 5 Rowan Women Give Their Definition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.

Beauty is said to be in the eye of the beholder. The dictionary states that beauty is “a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.” But beauty is a subjective term and can mean many things for many different women. I decided that it would be interesting to ask the beautiful women around me this question: What does beauty mean to you?

“Beauty is what cannot always be seen, hiding inside of an individual and making their personality appealing to others.” – Alyssa Salera

“Beauty is loving yourself above all else. Only when you love yourself can others see the most beautiful parts of you.” – Tyra Gwalthney

“Beauty is the ability to love. Loving others and loving yourself. Accepting all of your flaws and being able to see the love that others give you.” – Emily Higgins

“You can see someone’s beauty show through in their smile. When they’re happy and living life to their fullest, with no worries.” – Simona Loshi

“Beauty is something that surrounds us everywhere in life and it can be appreciated by people who are truly happy.” – Val Humphreys

Stay beautifully you, because you are truly beautiful!


Ashley Hermansen is a dual major in International Studies and Modern Languages & Linguistics. She loves LOVE and dancing and really just wants to help everyone that she can. That's it, read on <3