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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.

Don’t spend too much money

I get it. Formal is meant to be your special night! But that doesn’t mean that formal can’t be fun on a budget. Instead of reaching for a designer dress, remember that formal is more low-key than you may think. I know tons of sisters who are bring out old graduation dresses, drug store makeup, and day three hair for their special night.

The Dress Code

Check in with what your sorority or fraternity dress code is. You don’t want to be overdressed or undressed. A helpful tip is to remember that formal is *not* prom. I was told by a friend that formal is prom for adults; you want to look classy like you’re going out to dinner at a nice restaurant rather than strive to be prom queen.

The heels

I know that it seems like the shoes go underneath the dress code, but every sorority girls knows that heels are a monster of its own. Formal is going to be spent dancing so you should leave your club shoes at home. Although it isn’t the most stylish, I’ll be sporting my closed toe three inch heels.    

Finding a date

Fun fact–I made a list of people to ask to formal and had a total of two people who gracefully told me they would rather choke than go. However, my sisters came in clutch and I was introduced to a guy who really wanted to go to formal. I found out that this is the easiest way to get a date–just ask if there’s any guys or girls who are itching to go. Everyone knows someone who wants to have a night out.

Going Stag

I think that there is a stigma against going to formal alone, but the whole point of formal is to have one last good time with your org. Odds are you won’t be the only person in your org who decided to ditch the idea of a date. When a slow dance plays, instead of sweating, dance with your friends. I’d take a silly slow dance over an awkward first dance any day.

Don’t get drunk before hand

I don’t know about your org, but mine is pretty strict about drinking. We’d be asked to leave formal if we had alcohol, if we were suspected to drink alcohol before formal, or if someone overheard plans to party after. Try to save the partying for other nights or yours might be cut short.

Have fun!

It’s cheesy, but you can’t let your night get ruined by worries about the event. Let loose and don’t forget to make a few lifelong memories.


Destiny is currently enrolled in Columbia University's MFA Writing program. She is a national writer at Her Campus and the former editor-in-chief of Her Campus Rowan. She likes thrifting, romance novels, cooking shows, and can often be found binging documentaries.