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Even More Reasons Coffee is Awesome

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.

The next time someone scoffs at you for your daily cup of Joe in the morning, you’ll want to turn the other cheek after you hear some of these perks about drinking coffee.

Whether you all have heard of it before or not, there is a tall tale about the discovery of coffee called “The legend of Kaldi.” According to the National Coffee Association the story is set before the sixteenth century about Kaldi, who was a goatherd and lived in the Ethiopian highlands.

He discovered coffee after noticing that his goats became so lively and energetic, after eating berries off a certain tree, that they did not want to sleep at night. Kaldi told a monastery about the berries, who then made a drink out of them which kept him awake for hours of prayer. And there you go!

As the story goes, coffee has the ability to boost you up, along with various other beneficial impacts.

According to Kristin Kirkpatrick, Manager of Wellness Nutrition Services at Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute, there’s a few benefits that coffee has on individuals who consume it.

  • Your risk of death is lowered!
    • The more the coffee you drink, the lower the risk of death regardless of whether it’s caffeinated or decaffeinated!
  • Great for your skin!
    • Why waste your money on expensive daily moisture scrubs or mud masks when you can just drink coffee? Studies show that it can ward of a type of skin cancer!
  • Your reproductive system will be happy!
    • Studies show that men who drink 8 cups of coffee a day can reduce their risk of prostate cancer by 20%! And the same goes for females. When more than 4 cups of coffee a day are consumed the risk of endometrial cancer is reduced by 25%!
  • The risk of type 2 diabetes will be lowered!
    • Recent studies found that a compound in coffee blocks a substance called human islet amyloid polypeptide, which is directly related to diabetes.

Dating back to before the sixteen hundreds, coffee has had beneficial effects on us. Aside from its “wake me up” effect, various things such as reducing the risk of diabetes and healthier skin are all things to think about the next time you get a cup. So whether you’re a Starbucks kind of gal or my personal favorite, Dunkin Donuts, just think of all the good you’re doing to your body.

Victoria is in her Sophomore year at Rowan University and is currently a Communication Studies major with an Interpersonal concentration. She's been involved on campus with things such as the Club Softball team, the Harley Flack Mentoring program, and is currently working for the Dean of Students. She has hopes to take her experience with small group interaction and get involved with programs that assist high school students transition into college students.