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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.

This week’s profile is of Dominque Rousseau! Dominque is a freshman chemical engineering major. She takes her love of science outside of the classroom with her involvement in SWE, the Society of Women Engineers, and AIChE, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. When asked what her goals for the future are, she replied “Find a job I love. I was reading an article about how no one loves what they do every day. But it shouldn’t be tortuous or something where you aren’t interested in, so I want to find something where I love the good days but can tolerate the bad days.”

Dominque also thinks that finding a passion or place just for her is important too. Her current hobbies include singing and dancing. She would love to take ballet class. For a special place, she wants to find a library or book store to escape into one of her favorite books, like the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series or The Mortal Instrument series. At home, she enjoys her favorite movie, Alice in Wonderland starring Johnny Depp, or she plays her favorite video game, Kingdom Hearts. Dominique also has a passion for superhero movies. Her favorite villain would have to be The Joker. Her favorite hero is Captain America, but Deadpool is growing on her. 

When I asked Dominque about her ultimate dream, she answered, “Just find a place where I feel at home. Like your parents and everything make me feel at home but I want to make my own space and life where I feel comfortable. Whether it’s my dream job (to be determined) or the best house in my favorite place (still don’t know), I want to know feel like I accomplished or succeeded in doing something for me.”

Dominque may still be searching for answers, but she’s exploring life’s potential in her academics, hobbies, and friends. Whatever she decides to pursue, there is no doubt that she will achieve it. In the words of her favorite mantras, “I CAN do it!” and “It will be okay.”


Bonus questions for Dominque!

Any pets? If not, what would be your perfect pet?

“I have a large dog named, Newt. But the perfect pet is like a small animal like a cat. Or one time I saw the cutest Chihuahua in the pet store and I named it even though I wasn’t even buying it.”


If you could be a pizza what would you be?

“Um…pepperoni but I like plain better.”     


What would you do for fun on mars?

“I would run around and go exploring. What’s the gravity like? If it was less than here than I would explore and run and jump. I would watch space from that view. I hope it looks pretty.”


What sitcom family would you be a part of?

“I have no idea….The Middle. I feel like me and Sue Heck would get along.”     


What would change about the English language?

I would let nouns become verbs or descriptive words. At Comic Con I told one of the artist ‘I wish I could art.’ He understood what I meant and it is just simple. I feel it would help express thing better and more accuracy. It would simplify English.”    


What would be your super hero power?



If you could swim in any liquid what would you swim in?

“Honey. It would be interesting.”





I'm a Writing Arts major at Rowan, and I love stories. I love telling them, I love reading them. I hope to contribute to creating good storytelling for others to enjoy, whether it is as an editor or author. Being part of writing communities, like HerCampus or my campus literary magazine (Avant) is just so rewarding.
I am a Writing Arts major at Rowan University. Poetry is my best friend. One day, I hope to be a successful writer for a popular magazine in NYC. My dream is to travel to Paris, London, and Rome to explore and write about my experiences there.