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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rollins chapter.

With the beginning of a new semester brings new energy and opportunities- but best of all, a fresh start! Keeping an open mind to new classes and material is an integral part of starting the semester on the right foot. 

Don’t Doubt Your Ability 

This semester you might have to take a course you’re not comfortable with like math or science. Automatically, your mind might fill with pessimistic thoughts. Without even starting the course, it’s easy to think that you won’t do well because the subject is “too hard.” To keep yourself on top of the game, think of the things you can do to ensure that you get the grades you want. From reaching out to professors to studying with friends, remembering that you have resources around you will help you get ready to conquer the subject. This perspective is healthy in every aspect of life and will allow you to flourish and grow as a person inside and out of school! 

Just Say Yes 

Often when we look back at our missed opportunities we punish ourselves or say, “that could’ve been me” or “I should have done that!” The decisions that we’re the most hesitant about are often the ones that are the most worth it in the end. We have to remember not to let fear keep us away from doing something we know will ultimately be good for us. So, if you’re debating and pondering to yourself whether to join an honor society or apply for a position in a club, I say go for it! You never know what new opportunities and experiences you will have just by saying yes.  

Stay Goal Hungry

Having confidence in both yourself and decisions you want to make will help your mind look past challenges and allow you to eventually overcome them. When you focus on your goals and try to keep an ambitious state of mind, you instill more confidence in yourself to accomplish everything you need this semester. With a little faith and determination, you’ll be able to attract great things in your direction in the new year! Let’s make this semester our best one yet- I know it will be worth it. 


Rollins College Chapter
Meredith Klenkel is a Senior English major and the founder of Her Campus at Rollins. She aspires to write comedy for late night T.V one day and publish her own memoirs.