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ZTA ‘Pitch a Tent’ Event!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at RIT chapter.

Zeta Tau Alpha sisters, Bailey Tam and Emma Siegel, pose with a brother of Phi Delta Theta at their philanthropy event ‘Pitch a Tent’. The event was a day of bands donating their time for the ALS Foundation, Phi Delta Theta’s philanthropy.

Olivia is a sophomore Advertising and Public Relations major at the Rochester Institute of Technology. She works for RIT SportsZone as a reporter and in the marketing department. She is now also a co-founder of the RIT HerCampus branch which she can't wait to get started! Her biggest dream is to have her own talk show or to work as a reporter for ESPN. Her hobbies include acting and singing and she is almost always performing. She also has an unhealthy addiction to peanut butter and feels the need to put it on everything she eats! After RIT she hopes to attend performing school in New York City where she plans to live for the rest of her life and fullfill her dreams.