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What Should be in your Backpack from a Senior

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Richmond London chapter.

I recently just finished my first week as a senior *cue existential crisis,* and I felt very old surrounded by the new freshman around campus. It is so obvious which students are new and I think its because most freshman walk about with backpacks half their size. Seriously, it looks like they are about to go on a six week camping trip. I am totally here for the preparedness, and I was definitely that student three years ago, but I am here to stop early onset back pain. So here are the backpack essentials from a senior to the class of 2025.

  1. Laptop

Okay so, obviously, but really this is kinda all you need. My freshman year I was walking around with six notebooks. Six! I was only taking five classes. Some people prefer writing their notes by hand, which is respect but professors talk fast and don’t wait for you to finish copying down their slides. Maybe just take one notebook, especially if you’re taking a math or art class, but you won’t need one for every class. Best note taking advise for lectures: download the powerpoint and take your notes in the comments or speaker notes section.

2. Laptop charger and laptop case

Also, obvious but nothing gives me more anxiety than when students pull out their laptops with no protection- just raw dogging their backpack. I don’t care if you’ve got apple care please get a computer case.

3. Pens

I know I just said you won’t be taking handwritten notes like you did in high school but always have pen. Sometimes Professors pass around their attendance sheet or use it for you planner (see number 4). Plus, what if the cute guy/ girl behind you asks for a pen? Be prepared!

4. Planner

Oh my god, please have a planner. The second you get you syllabus write down all of your due dates and then put a reminding of the due date three weeks in advance. (Pro tip from a senior who has pulled all nighters right there.)

5. A cute little bag for miscellaneous things

I always carry around lip gloss, hand sanitiser, small bottle of lotion and body spray, pads/ tampons, and my headphones. Maybe a post class flask? This is up to everyone, but it’s always got to have these items on hand.

Hope this was helpful! Happy studying.   

Eliza Sims

Richmond London '22

I am a dual citizen of the UK/USA, but grew up in Florida/ Tennessee. I currently live in London studying international relations with a minor in environmental science and development. My favorite thing to do is travel. Find me on instagram @elizaasims