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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rhodes chapter.

As someone who excitedly awaits for Groundhog Day each year, I was especially excited about Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction this year. He didn’t see his shadow, which as the legend goes means spring is around the corner. Even though Phil is antagonized by meteorologists through and through, I choose to remain hopeful that he is right this time around. Even though we’ve went without a major snow this year in Memphis, I’ve already had my fill of the cold and am ready to pull out my sundresses and denim skirts. In honor of this sentiment, I’ve put together a playlist that encapsulates the mood of the impending seasonal change.

Olivia is a Creative Writing major at Rhodes College. She is a twice published novelist, and has had work featured in Fresh U, GrrlPunch Magazine, and The Bridge Street Paper (Memphis, TN).