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Have Your Best Semester Yet

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rhodes chapter.

A new semester and a new year, means a fresh start! We are constantly going from class, to jobs, to on-campus activities, and of course, making time for socializing after all of that hard work. With so much to keep track of, it can be difficult to manage your life, and suddenly your excitement to be back at school can become overwhelming and stressful. Here are five ways to make sure you avoid getting down, and have your best semester yet:

Keep your New Year’s resolutions: Whether it is to get back to the gym, spend more time with family and friends, or up your GPA, make sure you keep motivated to make your New Year’s resolutions happen. Write them down and hang them up somewhere in your room or put them in a place you will see every day, so that you are constantly reminded of your goals. It also helps to share your resolutions with friends and family so that they can help you stay on track.

Revamp your living space: You may be in a dorm, apartment, or a house, but either way, you can start off the new semester with a space you feel good about. Decide what function you want your room to have. If it’s to unwind, choose a calming color scheme and make it as comfortable as possible, with bedding you can get a good night’s sleep in. If it is to get homework done, enhance your workspace by cleaning out your desk, using organizers, and replacing pictures and posters with book shelves, calendars, and to-do lists, which can be less distracting.  

Re-evaluate your relationships: We all have them- people in your life that are bringing you down. Whether it is a best friend, a boyfriend, or a family member, consider why the relationship is not fulfilling you. Create a plan as to how you want to manage the relationship. To put a positive spin on possibly spending less time with someone, think about a new group or individual you have wanted to see more, and make it a priority to get together with them more often.

Get active: Even if it wasn’t one of your resolutions this year, it is important for your mental and physical health to get a moderate amount of exercise and maintain a healthy diet, especially at an intense school like Rhodes, where we need our bodies to function so that we can perform at our best. If you hate going to the gym, try going for a long walk twice a week, or checking out Pinterest for workouts you can do in your room. Go to a class at Midtown Yoga once a week (only $7 for students!), or simply start your mornings with a good stretch. Setting small weekly fitness goals makes working out seem less intimidating, and if it becomes routine, will make a big difference in the way you look and feel.

Be reasonable: Accept the fact that things you struggled with last semester will continue to be challenging. But the new, more aware you, can create a plan and address problems, instead of letting them take over your life. Getting organized and using these tips to stay on task will help you have a great semester, even despite obstacles that may come your way.

Have a great spring semester, Rhodes Collegiettes!

Rhodes '10, Political Science Major, from Princeton, N.J.