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Finals Week, As Told By Lilo And Stitch

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Regent chapter.

Ah, finals. The week that every student both dreads and realizes that their life is actually just a series of GIFs from Lilo and Stitch…

1. Everything is fine

College is just like that sometimes…you have your life all together, but then you realize the syllabus was there all the time, and you have been in a state of denial. 

2. The Syllabus Is Upon Us

Six papers, three tests, and a group project. All due within the next week and a half. 

3. Creative Distractions

Cleaning? Sure. Cooking a full meal? Absolutely. Outlining that research paper? After the laundry is done.

4. Accepting Your Fate.

Somewhat melodramatic, yes, but it’s how we felt at the time.

5. Pulling Everything Together For One Last Effort.

With all the effort that all-nighter took, the final paper might as well be the blueprint for San Francisco. But hey, at least the break is coming…hang in there!

Image credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.