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8 Tips For Those Going On Christmas Vacation To A Broken Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Regent chapter.

It’s almost time for Christmas break and everyone seems so happy to leave school and head back home, but you may not want to go home for Christmas break. Maybe it’s because your family is broken in one way or another (I get that), so I’d like to offer some tips to help make the break a little bit brighter.


  1. As cheesy as it is, remember the reason for the season. We’re here to celebrate Jesus and thank Him for humbling Himself to save our sorry butts. When you start to feel sad that your family is broken in whatever form that may take, remember that Jesus is the ultimate focus. When I start to struggle, I look at my nativity scene and instead of seeing a whole family and being jealous, I see a man who came down to save my life and it puts a smile on my face, even if it doesn’t last forever.


  1. Remember the age-old saying: hurt people hurt people. If your family is broken and suffering, expect pain to be a theme. I’m not telling you to be a pessimist; I’m telling you to remind yourself that you may be hurt by someone who is equally hurting. And you may be the person doing the hurting as well, so be mindful of what you say and do especially while you’re hurting.


  1. Make a you-zone. I have a special place in my room where I put my personal nativity scene and a few other special Christmas decorations. When I am feeling depressed, I go to my corner to be reminded of the little joys of the season.


  1. BLAST THOSE CHRISTMAS JAMS. Listen. I get that sometimes you are not in the mood for that “holly jolly” jazz. I have found myself a tad repulsed by it this season, but instead of ignoring it recently, I’ve been trying to listen to it more. I’ve found that by listening to it more I am starting to ease myself into the season before going home so that I can be a bit more positive when I get there.


  1. Focus on the love. I know it’s easy to feel depressed and lonely when you are in a broken home, but there is love somewhere and even if you have to seek it out, it can be a blessing. Love your family for exactly what it is, not what you wish it was instead. Love the people, not the mess.


  1. Reach out. Don’t isolate yourself into a depressive mood. If you have siblings, lean on them and let them lean on you. If you have cousins or friends, get out of the house and spend your holiday with people who can keep you from feeling lonely.


  1. Bless others. One thing an old family friend used to tell me was to “be blessed and be a blessing.” Channel your inner spirit of blessing this holiday season. You’ll be blessed by blessing someone else and that can make your Christmas better too.


  1. Lastly, know that you are not alone. There are many of us going home to broken homes, whether it’s from divorce, loss of a loved one, or anything else. There are others who understand you and they are making it through too. It’s a struggle for us and it can ruin the holiday for you if you let it. So don’t let it.

Sarra Dwynn

Regent '19

Not much to know. I'm here for controversies and Christian perspectives.