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6 Ways To Get Your Study On

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Regent chapter.

With midterms just around the corner, here are six ways to get your study on!

1. Make sure you are in a suitable environment

If you are in need of a serious study session, whether it is for a quiz or you are just getting caught up with reading, it is very important that you create an atmosphere appropriate for concentration.  It may be better to go to a quiet place such as the library, instead of your dorm to avoid distraction from friends passing through and beckoning you to ditch your studies and go play pool in the student lounge.

2. Have a snack

This piece of advice is definitely more fun than the last and still very important. Take the time to get a healthy snack and drink to counter the distraction of hunger. This will help you concentrate more on your work rather than think about the next visit to Café Moka.

3. Organize your Study Session

Give yourself enough time to process the study material, but don’t overwork yourself. A long study session can result in losing concentration and forgetting important points. Aim for times when you are most awake and alert. Also, be consistent. Last minute cram sessions late at night are not recommended. Establish a slot of time each day throughout the week to keep from being overwhelmed.

4. Plan breaks

Set up short periods to stand up, stretch, walk around, and maybe refuel with another snack. It is important to be firm with the starting and ending times of your breaks, or else you may find yourself taking longer breaks and getting distracted.

5. Get Some Sleep

Keep in mind that I don’t mean sleep during the study session! Be sure to get a good night’s sleep. Not only will you be more alert and aware of the study material, but it will be beneficial to your overall health.

6. Pray

In addition to taking these important steps to improve your studying experience, set aside time before your study session to pray. Pray for focus, energy, and peace over the situation.  

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