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Tips to Survive FInals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ramapo chapter.



This semester, don’t let your finals overwhelm you. Whether you have a big essay to write or an exam to study for, make sure you ace it with these tips!


  • Split up your work. You’ve probably been told since elementary school to not save all your work for the last second, but it’s such an important tip to remember! If you split up your work over the span of days, you can allow yourself to take a break in between sections so you don’t burn yourself out. Also, if you realize you have a question about something, it allows you time to check in with your professor!
  • Pick your study environment. Some people love the library, other people prefer their dorm room. Some like their rooms silent, others like to have music playing in the background. Figure out what works for you personally and embrace that. Don’t force yourself to study in a place where you don’t think you can focus as well.
  • Take breaks. Take a short break every hour or so to ensure you don’t get too tired or bored. Taking breaks like these allow you to continue to be productive because you can refresh yourself by taking a walk, checking Facebook, or having a snack. Just make sure your breaks don’t drag on too long!
  • Keep your snacks light. Don’t let super greasy foods or heavy meals weigh you down. Instead, go for something like a piece of fruit, a granola bar, or some almonds during your snack breaks. But also make sure you eat frequently enough to keep yourself satisfied, this will help your focus and allow you to work more efficiently. Plus, you wouldn’t want your hunger distracting you!
  • Stay organized. Pick a study tactic that works for you, and then keep your materials organized. Whether it’s writing and re-writing your notes or making flash cards, choose your technique and stick to it. Also, keep your papers and cards neatly sorted out so you can just grab your materials when you’re running off to your exam or a last-second cram session.
  • Stay well rested. The night before your exam, lay out your clothes and class materials so you are prepared to go the next morning. Do some last-minute studying, but don’t stay up all night, because then your work becomes unproductive. Get some sleep so you can wake up refreshed and ready for your exam…because the last thing you want to do is sleep through your alarm!


Best of luck on your final exams and papers! Work hard during this final push, and remember how close you are to a whole month of freedom.

Angel Branco. Editor in Chief of Her Campus Ramapo.