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Wellness > Mental Health

Taking Care of Yourself When Stressed

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

One of the most important things that is commonly overlooked and forgotten is self-care. With the amount of stress and lack of sleep we deal with, it is hard to stay on top of yourself and make sure you’re doing okay. Instead of letting these stressful factors, such as school, work, life, sleep, and eating pile up, take some time off to relax and reconnect with yourself. Below are some useful tips to help you unwind and feel happier.

1. Listen to music

A great way to relax and get your mind off of things is listening to music. I find that lying in bed with your eyes closed is a really good way to connect with the music and wind down. Listen to songs that you enjoy or songs that put you in an upbeat mood. Spotify and A​pple have great playlists to choose from that are specific more moods and relaxation. So throw on some headphones, relax in bed, and vibe out.

2. Pamper yourself

Along with taking care of your mental health, take care of your physical health too! Great ways to boost your mood and feel relaxed is taking a nice hot shower, doing a face mask, or getting a massage. When you shower, focus on the water and clear your mind as best you can. To really pamper yourself, use lotions that are specific for stress, like Bath and Body Work’s Stress Relief lotion or lotions with lavender due to the scent being therapeutic to the body. Other ways to pamper yourself to relax can be getting a massage, doing your nails, wearing comfortable clothes, and possibly lighting some candles (if you don’t live in a dorm!).3. Hangout with friends

Hanging out with friends can really be a de-stressor and can encourage you to let loose and have fun. Some friends can be toxic to your health and can add to your stress as well as bring you down, which is something that you don’t want! Make sure to surround yourself with friends that bring out the best in you and make you feel happy and supported. Gathering up your friend group and watching a movie, hanging out in your dorm or going out to do a fun activity will definitely take the stress off your mind and make you feel better! Some things I like to do with my friends when I need to relax are staying in and watching a Netflix show, going shopping or playing a game together. Good friends are key to a positive and healthy mindset.

4. Relax by yourself

Sometimes in order to relax, you need to be by yourself. Living with someone else or in a suite can make it hard to be alone and difficult to truly relax. As an alternative, take a walk by yourself or find an empty space to relax, either in your building or in another area. Another way to relax alone can be sitting outside and enjoying the weather or taking a drive by yourself to a place you like to go to. Relaxing by yourself can really help you connect with yourself and can allow you to realize why you are stressed.

5. Do activities you enjoy

Finally, participating and taking part in activities or things you like can make you feel stress free and happy. Whether these activities are reading or watching your favorite show, make sure to create time in your schedule to enjoy these things! Some other activities that I find entertaining and useful in helping me relax are drawing or painting, reading, going to the gym, doing yoga, and watching funny videos. Taking time to appreciate the things you like can create a great effect on your mood and mental health.






Kaitlyn Berlanga

Quinnipiac '20

The sweetest, sassiest, most sarcastic girl you'll ever meet. Writing articles to better the lives of us girls :)