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The Benefits of Spinning: Explained

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

Spinning seems like the new cool way to work out and many people are wondering, what is all the buzz about? The stationary cycling activity is suitable for all types of people, whether you like to run, walk or even if you don’t exercise at all. You can go into a class wanting a challenging, intense work out, or you can simply go at your own pace. With the up-beat, pump-up music and the instructor’s motivation, you will be sure to get what you want out of the class.

A typical 45-minute spinning class burns about 500 calories, which is a large amount when compared to other workouts. Not to mention, the time flies! In order to get real results out of the workout, you have to turn your resistance up when the instructor says to do so as well as go into the three different positions on the bike when told, including sitting on the “saddle”, standing straight up, and leaning over the handle bars.



Spinning is also a great way to build muscle tone as it puts emphasis on core muscles, as well as the thighs and glutes. As you change your resistance, speed and position over the course of the class, you will get a thorough, full-body workout. People who regularly attend spinning classes also increase their cardio endurance and improve their heart rate.

Perhaps one of the best parts about spinning is that it doesn’t make you sore the day after! The physical activity is low-impact, meaning it keeps the pressure off your joints, knees and feet. People with arthritis are even encouraged to take spinning classes. It is also a huge stress-reliever, as all exercise is. However, spinning is different: you are in a group setting and feeding off each other’s energy, making you want to push yourself to meet your goals.

You can never get bored of spinning because every class is different. There are different instructors as well as varying focuses each session. Despite the intensity of the workout, you will never want to give up because of the instructor’s motivation, the loud music and the people around you. If you are looking for a new way to exercise, spinning is a fun workout and guaranteed to burn hundreds of calories in a timely fashion.

I am a student at Quinnipiac University and an aspiring magazine writer/editor.