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5 Steps to Sweet Dreams

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.


Experts say that every person should get a minimum of eight hours of sleep per night. Some even suggest that college students should get about nine or ten hours of sleep. As we all know, this is not always the case. From late night study jams and loud neighbors, to night owl roommates and early morning classes, it can be very difficult for college girls to get the beauty sleep they need.

By following these next five steps, I promise that you will sleep easier at night.

1)Stop eating at least three hours before you go to bed:

When you eat right before you go to bed, your body is busy trying to digest and metabolize everything you ate. This keeps your blood moving and your body working faster than it should when you are trying to go to sleep. When you stop eating, your body has the time to slow down before you go to bed. Although you may not notice it, sleeping on an emptier stomach leads to a calmer and more relaxed night’s sleep. Besides, eating late at night isn’t good for our figure.

2)Do not watch television in bed or right before you go to sleep:

Ever wonder why you get nightmares right after watching a scary movie? Or dream of prince charming after watching a fairy tale? This is because when you watch television in bed, it stimulates your mind. When you watch television right before bed, your mind is not at rest. Studies show that those who do not watch television before bed have slower brain activity and a sounder night’s sleep. However, I know that a lot of people, including myself, have difficulty getting into bed and going straight to sleep. One suggestion is to read a book. It is a good time to catch up on that trashy novel and it makes your eyes heavier and heavier.

3)Take a hot shower or bath to relax your muscles:

After a full day of classes, working out, and studying, our muscles can tighten up and form knots that can trouble us in our sleep. By immersing your body in hot water before you go to bed, you are allowing your muscles to relax and loosen up. If your muscles are looser when you go to bed, your whole body will feel more relaxed and you will have a fantastic, full night’s sleep.

4)Wear a cooling mask or earplugs:

Do you have a roommate who stays up late and can be kind of loud? I know I do. Living with a roommate can be tricky, especially when it comes to sleeping, but these two things can help. My roommate needs some light to do homework, and move around the room, so we leave a lamp on. If you are like me, even the tiniest amount of light will keep me awake. This is why I wear a mask to bed. Better yet, I wear a cooling mask. The mask has cooling beads inside of it, so when I pull it out of the freezer before I go to bed, it helps reduce the bags under my eyes, and helps relax my facial muscles. Also, my roommate can be a little loud, even if she tries to be quiet. Therefore, I use soft earplugs that allow me to drift off to sleep without any interruptions.

5)Try to be organized throughout the day so your mind wont race:

If you are organized during the day, your mind will not be constantly worrying about different homework assignments you missed, or whether you have a meeting on Wednesday. Or was it Thursday? I know that if I do not write everything down, and try to be organized with homework, projects, appointments, and deadlines, I will not get a good night’s sleep. Instead, my mind likes to race. I always think about things I need to do, or fixate on things I think I’m missing or forgetting. If you are organized in the day, your mind will be at rest and you will be able to sleep much better through the night.

I know these tips help me every night and I hope they help you! Sweet dreams!

My name is Ciara Duggan. I am a senior public relations major at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, CT. I love to write about everything and anything and I love writing for Her Campus Quinnipiac.