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Youth Delirium

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

Nothing is what it used to be;

This lesson I know from the sewage of youth.

The hours spent deciphering the meaning behind his words,

And the years after spent deciphering how meaningless they were.


Sucking on the icy tips

Of Chapman’s cherry popsicles,

I was seven and he was nine

Those summer days wasted away

Spent wilting over his love letters,

All my petals dead from heartache’s wrath.

He was my sun,

And I was the foolish marigold who took too much all at once.


Then I was seventeen,

And he was nineteen,

And we went out for ice cream

But he only ever ordered water

And I only ever wanted cherry popsicles.


So I rode shotgun

And we shared a cherry lolly,

And it was then that I realized

It was no longer a river of innocent sugar dripping from our mouths,

But instead the bitter blood of our false gods.


And the onslaught of my teens

Taught me how to pick the meat off the bones,

And how to be okay with hate

And how to tolerate the pain

Of their rigid teeth ripping through my flesh

Without a single hint of remorse.


Nothing is what it used to be,

But now I know the difference

Between the candy-coated kisses

And the bloodthirsty grimace

That hides itself within the branches

Of a rosy-tinted lover.


Those rosy-tinted lovers;

They rip you from the inside out,

They shake you and they love you,

They make you an extension of themselves


But nothing is what it used to be

And you are not what you used to be;


You are an individual and you stand on your own pedestal,

Looking down on the ones who only lifted you up for an instant.


An everlasting moment of delusion,

That’s what belonging to them felt like.


But nothing is what it used to be,

I am not what I used to be;

I am not.


My faith is not what it used to be.

How many times have I looked up at the sky

And begged at the hand of God,

Begged for his mercy,

For his grace to drip from the tips of the angel’s wings

Down into my mouth

So that I could consume His divinity,

Have His purity fill me up

Until I have grown wings of my own.


But alas, I am left not begging at the hand of God,

But begging at the hand of those from my past,

Seeking validation,

Seeking closure,

Seeking comfort.


And I am left to look inward;

Study the meaning behind my own confused decisions,

Unearth the base of my baseless sadness,

Rooted only in my lack of constant euphoria.

But to pine for such a thing is a mistake in itself,

For true happiness exists only as wandering through life with one’s arms open,

Not as an intoxicating phantom of a dream that must be chased into the night.


Why go beyond when we can have this?

Why not settle for beauty and avoid the madness?

Nothing is what it used to be

And nothing is what it is.

Perception overrides truth,

Consumption overrides youth,

And we will be left to rot

In the hands of our broken history,

With not even our hearts to call our own.

I like cats, among other things.