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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it can seem like everyone around you is either coupling up or declaring that Valentine’s Day is the worst. Whether you have a significant other or not, you’ve no doubt seen the barrage of overpriced trinkets, chocolates, and candies filling up store shelves. While it can undoubtedly be nice to receive a gift or a card on that special day, it’s important to remember that there are so many ways to say “I love you” that don’t involve spending a mint on heart-shaped boxes. In the spirit of the date, here’s 14 ways to say those three words to your friends, family, housemates, or significant other!


This can be as simple as saying you like someone’s new shoes or sweater. The knowledge that they’ve been noticed is likely to warm anyone’s heart.


With second semester in full swing, life can often feel incredibly overwhelming! A simple text to touch base or plan a quick coffee date can make a world of difference and really help put things in perspective.

Make Sure They Feel Seen

Let’s face it, we all have days where we feel invisible or feel like we’re putting up a front. Having people around that really know you and can recognize how you’re feeling makes everything a bit easier though.

Make Sure They Feel Heard

Ever been part of a group conversation where you felt like you were being largely ignored? It goes without saying that it isn’t a great feeling—making sure that everyone in a conversation feels included can really make them feel special.

Physical Touch (Hugs, Handholding, etc)

Not everyone is a fan of physical touch, but if they are, go for the hug! It’s scientifically proven that hugging someone is not only good for your mental health, but your physical health too!


You don’t have to go out for a fancy dinner with someone to communicate to them how much you love them. Sometimes, it’s about simply getting together, throwing some pasta in a pot, and cracking open a jar of sauce.

Showing Them Things that Remind You of Them

Letting people know that you think about them even when you don’t mean to can definitely make someone feel loved! Whether it be music, art or occurrences throughout your day.

Sharing with Them Things you Find Interesting (News Articles, Pictures, etc)

Doing Something Together

Even if it is something you wouldn’t normally find interesting, spending time together in general is great!

Tagging Them in a Meme or Post

Chances are they’ll get a good laugh out of whatever it is too, and that might be just what they need to brighten their day.

Bringing Them a Coffee/Study Snack

Grind culture is real, and sometimes we find ourselves going on study marathons and forgetting to eat. Showing up with an extra coffee or a snack for someone can truly make their day.

Saying Good Morning/Goodnight

Seriously, good morning and goodnight texts are the best.

Remembering the Little Things

It warms my heart so much when people remember things like what I take in my coffee!

Saying “I love you”

Seriously, it can be that simple.

Julia is a third year student at Queen's U in the School of Environmental Studies. Also seeking a minor in Indigenous Studies, she hopes to one day become an environmental and Indigenous Rights lawyer. She has always been passionate about writing and loves to read, although recently cooking has become her new obsession. You can follow her foodie adventures on instagram @passthekimchi