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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

Eli Rallo, also known by her TikTok alias of @thejarr, is a spunky, modern, genuine and boundary-pushing internet influencer. Everything she says is sprinkled with creativity and big-sister comfort and I find myself constantly waiting for her next video to hear her latest tips and recommendations. Lately, I have been living by her “Rules For” videos, which instruct viewers on her specific guidelines for different occasions—be it “Rules for a Birthday,” “Rules for Sundays,” or “Rules for Spicing up a Mundane Day.” They have inspired me to think about and create my own personal rule book for different moments and occasions. I have been reflecting on where I want to focus my energy to make my life as exciting as possible, and it’s a good reminder that you are in control of your condition. You can implement new adventures and routines whenever you want. 

Today, I’m going to be talking about my Rules for October. October is one of my very favourite months because it’s bursting with newness but is still filled with comfort. The air is crisp but not cold. It’s fresh. It’s free. Some days you need a light jacket and on others, a sweater will do just fine. The coolness is a novelty after the long hot days of summer. It has not yet grown stale and depressing; it’s still cozy—it’s romantic. It’s scattered with nostalgia from the Octobers that predated it: apple picking with Mom, movie nights wrapped in blankets with popcorn and a hot tea, dressing up for Halloween as Hannah Montana at age thirteen. Something feels so wholesome about it all; you are forced to notice the simple joys around you: the changing leaves, the sweet smell of an apple pie in the oven or the softness of your duvet as you hear the rain outside. Use October to be still; to focus on the present and on the things that are important, to be with nature, to be with family, to block out the stuff that drains you. To be selfish.

Without further ado, here are my University Girls’ Rules for October: 

  • Roomie Halloween Movie Sundays 

Sunday nights are for Halloween movies and festive snacks with people you love. Some of my faves are Jennifer’s Body (2009), Coraline (2009), and (obviously) Euphoria Season 1 Episode 6 (2019). 

  • Go outside without a jacket

Parents all over Canada just lost their sh*t. But when you finally live alone, you must bask in the freedom of not being forced to ruin your Halloween costume with a puffer. Enjoy the last month where you can physically stand having bare arms.  

  • Bake 

Particularly something apple or pumpkin. Personally, I love a good pumpkin muffin or an apple crumble. The process of making something feels so good. Plus, you have delicious treats to share with people you love—and your house will smell fabulously of fall. 

  • Fall Girl Walk

There are a few rather distinct differences between the Hot Girl Walk and the Fall Girl Walk. While on a HGW, you may listen to Nicki Minaj, on a FGW you will listen to Pheobe Bridgers. You wear your mini Uggs instead of your sneakers and you walk with a slow breeziness, with nowhere to go and the freedom to get lost. You look at the changing leaves—like really look at them. Think about big things, like the passage of time or the person you love most in the world.

  • October specific playlist 

Vampire Weekend, The Lumineers, Taylor Swift, Vance Joy, Gracie Abrams, Hozier, John Mayer. Enough said.

  • Morning coffee with a side of journaling 

There is so much pressure around journaling, with prompts scattered over Pinterest and the photos of perfectly scripted entries. Just write anything down. Make it messy and rough. Write a dream you had or something you want to do in the coming week. Write down a series of words you think are beautiful. Putting a pen to paper in the morning makes your mind feel good. 

  • Morning showers

They just make you feel fresh. Use the time to set your intentions for the day and to reflect on some goals. 

  • Digital cameras are in, iPhone cameras are out

Something about using a digital camera changes the primary focus from getting a perfectly artificial Instagram picture to just having fun and being creative.  

  • Rory Gilmore fashion inspo  

Rory Gilmore is the image of fall fashion. Oversized knits, turtlenecks and bootcut jeans are the keys to a fall capsule wardrobe. 

  • Spend time with your family or people that feel like family 

Some months are full of new friends. October is not one of them—October is for comfort people. People with whom you can spend the whole day in bed. People for whom you don’t need to put on makeup. People for whom you don’t need a social battery. People who feel like home. 

I hope your October is filled with snuggly Sunday afternoons and tastefully sexy Halloween costumes. And I hope you enjoy every last minute of it.

Maya Gelfand

Queen's U '24

Maya Gelfand is a fourth year film and media student at Queens University.