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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

You’ve probably seen throughout social media and news networks, pictures of individuals with witty signs protesting the climate change. Youth activists, such as Jamie Margolin and Greta Thunberg, are compelling people around the world for support of such an important issue. They’re inspiring for taking a stand against powerful politicians–some old enough to be their grandfathers. However, the creativity behind the signs really impressed me and brought me to really think about the travesty at hand. I want to highlight the creative signs that brought the needed attention to changes which need to take place for our world.

For All Those Who Love Florida

To Show the Importance of the Young Generation

A Needed Reality Check

To Remind You Who the True Mother Is

A Catchy Climate Change Anthem

When Fries & Aliens Are Being the Logical Ones

Truth Hurts

Amanda Neves

Queen's U '22

Amanda Neves is a second year student at Queen's University hoping to major in History or Politics that loves absurd amounts of chicken nuggets, traveling and any fluffy animals. Originally from the U.S and Brazil, she grew up in five different countries and is trilingual. She hopes to go to law school or grad school (or both!) after her undergrad.
HC Queen's U contributor