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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

Have you ever been in desperate need of a parking spot, and the more you look the worse your luck seems to get? While this may be an everyday problem for some, my aunt swears to possess the secret solution. She says by simply visualizing an open parking spot in your mind, you will almost immediately find one. I’ve found this trick to be useful for both parking spots and other things in life, including relationships. 


Cameron Smith-Spain Europe Abroad Car Port Boats Palm Trees Sunny .Pdf
Cameron Smith / Her Campus
We have all found ourselves driving around a parking lot, desperately looking for a place to park. Every loop around the space makes you feel more and more hopeless. In my case, frustration grows as I intently keep my eyes open just to be disappointed. Every time I think I’ve found a perfect spot, it ends up being a smaller car snug as a bug hiding in what should be my parking spot! It always gets me wondering, why can’t I find somewhere to park? It always seems to happen on the day I’m already running late for class! Why do I always have such bad luck when it comes to parking? Okay, maybe I’m being a little over dramatic. Even if you can’t relate to the frustrations of parking, I’m sure you can think of a situation in your life where it feels like the more you want something, the harder it seems to find.

Let me give you another example: relationships. Have you ever found that when you really want a relationship you can’t seem to find a significant other? I’ve definitely been there. During my gap year before university, I really wanted to build something special with someone. But in reality, it seemed as though no matter what I did, nothing ever worked out. On the inside, I felt defeated. I still used dating apps and always dressed up when I went out, just in case I might have that special meet-cute moment. Yet on the inside, I always suspected that nothing would come out of it. Whenever I did actually meet someone, I would start visualizing the ending of the relationship before anything truly started. Despite that, I told myself that I was trying and putting myself out there, and there was nothing more I could do.  

Young couple hugging at sunset in field
Photo by Everton Vila from Unsplash

Just like finding a parking spot, the more I looked for my SO, the less I expected to find them. This is where parking lot karma comes in. Like my aunt claims, all you have to do is visualize a parking spot in your mind and you will almost immediately find it. It may sound silly, but I’ve found this to be true. Since this discovery, my parking lot stress levels have gone WAY down. It also reminded me of something my best friend once told me. Her mom had always wanted a daughter. Even though her parents had a really hard time conceiving, her mom never stopped visualizing herself with a healthy baby girl. After a few years, she finally got pregnant and my best friend was born. To this day, her mom believes that she got her wish because she pictured herself with her baby girl, thinking of it as something that was going to happen, not something that was unattainable. 

I’m not saying you can choose your baby’s gender by visualizing it or that you can use some sort of psychic power to create parking spaces out of thin air. However, I do think that there is some value to this life philosophy. If we want things to come to us, we truly have to be in the mindset to receive them. We must not only want them, but we must be ready for them. 

Going back to my previous example, I found that the key to finding my SO was to open myself up to the possibility of a relationship. I needed to stop thinking of relationships as an unattainable goal and to stop going into things with a losing mindset. When I went on my first date with my SO, I visualized myself being happy with that person and building something special together. I didn’t think of the chances of us being a waste of time, given how my love life had been going. Instead, I visualized it as something that I was going to make happen for myself, a sure thing. Now, 8 months later, I couldn’t be happier. My advice is, whether you want a relationship, a good GPA or a parking spot, stop thinking that life is happening to you. Instead, try to start out every new challenge with a conquering mindset, and you are guaranteed to rule the world! 


Camila Mercado

Queen's U '22

Camila is a third year student in Global Development and Psychology at Queen's University. She enjoys figure skating, learning new languages and advocating for mental health on campus!
HC Queen's U contributor