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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

When you were five years old, you loved your birthday.  

Whether you received a new Webkinz stuffed animal to add to your collection, or convinced your mom to let you eat 5 cupcakes for breakfast, you tried to plan the perfect day.

Fast forward twenty years. Because you’re an adult and celebrate your birthday differently, you create new traditions in order to make the day memorable. Whether you decide to crack open a bottle of champagne, dine at a high-end restaurant with your significant other, or spend the day with your bff at the spa, you honestly can’t go wrong. 

But to some people, birthdays ABSOLUTELY suck. I can name at least 5 friends who dread celebrating their birthday each year. Everyone has a different relationship with their birthday as some people associate upsetting memories with their special day, while others fear the aging process. After hearing my friends’ stories, I realized that experiencing the ‘birthday blues’ can be tough. However, it doesn’t have to be.

When you’re dreading your upcoming birthday and don’t even know where to start, read the following list to learn how to have the best birthday yet, while staying true to yourself. 

Manage Expectations and Appreciate the Small Stuff

Big birthday bashes are overrated. Go on a walk with your dog, grab some coffee with an old friend, or go to a fun zumba glass at the gym. If you begin your birthday week with unrealistic expectations, you’re bound to be disappointed. Instead, write down a list of three things that you wanna do on your birthday- even if you hop on the subway and meet up with a friend, you’re going to have a blast.  

Ask Friends and Family if they’re Free in Advance

Text a few friends and ask them if they wanna meet you at Starbucks in the afternoon. Get in touch with them in advance and mark the event in your calendar. It’s important to lock in your plans so that you have somewhere to be at a specific time. What a great alternative to binge watching The Bachelor all day!!

Growing up doesn’t have to be Scary!

I know that growing up comes with its perks, but it can honestly be overwhelming. Don’t listen to your great aunt when she asks you why you haven’t reached a certain milestone yet. Different people reach these milestones at different times, and comparisons are never useful. Embrace the aging process, and love the new, one year older you! 

So, let’s make this birthday one to remember.


Julia Sable

Queen's U '21

Julia Sable is a fifth year student at Queen's University. She is passionate about writing and hopes to pursue a career in fashion.
HC Queen's U contributor