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Forget New Years Resolutions and Name Your Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.


Ringing in the New Year meant that it was time to set yet another New Years resolution. If you’re like me, you’ve probably already broken yours. I said I wasn’t going to eat sugar for the month of January, but those leftover baked goods were just sitting there calling my name, and throwing them in the garbage seemed like such a waste. Two days in, and my resolution was already blown and there’s no going back on that.

Sometimes resolutions are completely achievable, but if we’re being honest, in many cases they’re ridiculous and unrealistic.

With this in mind, it has become common for people to start naming their year. Naming your year is setting a precedent for 365 days lived with intention. It offers up just one word: a simple word that sets the standard for the next year. The great thing about this is that there is no certain way to accomplish it. The opportunities are endless and it allows room for failure. You cannot simply fall off the wagon a week into the new year, because that word is going to look different on various levels at numerous points throughout the year. The entire idea is to act with intention for 365 days of the year.

To help you name your year, we have put together a list of 30 words that are common life themes. This is not to say that you cannot choose a different word, a word in another language, or even a phrase. These are just some suggestions to help your thought process.


1. Intention

[ A thing intended; an aim or plan ]

Living a year with intention means being intentional on a day-to-day basis. Instead of sitting back and letting life just happen to you, it is time to make a plan and be intentional with your relationships, decisions and with your time.


2. Restore

[ Bring back or re-establish (a previous right, practice or situation) ]

A year of restoration is going to look different for everyone. To restore oneself, you must determine what needs to be put back together. This may be your sense of self-worth, relationships, mental health or numerous other areas. There may also be areas that need to be restored that you do not yet know about that will come along as the year goes. Keep an open mind and be honest with yourself about what areas of your life may need restoration. Taking a year to focus on this can only benefit your future years, and this is going to look different each day.


3. Purpose

[ The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists ]

You are not on this earth by mistake. You have a purpose, and maybe this year is the time to discover that purpose. Or maybe, you want to live a year full of purpose regardless of what that is going to look like for you. Add meaning and purpose to your daily life and be intentional. Make decisions with intention and reason. Or set a specific purpose to your year and strive toward it continuously.


4. Surrender

[ The act of surrender is to stop hiding, fighting or resisting. Typically, this means to surrender to authority ]

A year of surrender is common to someone who is religious, or has religious orientation. It’s a year of surrendering your will to a higher power, and living a life that is not for yourself.


5. Rise

[ To get up from a lying, sitting, or kneeling posture; assume an upright position ]

If you are someone who feels like you have constantly been negated, put down, or stomped on by life, then it’s possible that rise is the perfect word for you this year. It is your time to be the phoenix who rises from the ashes, dusts yourself off and learns how to stand tall, ready to kick life in the ass.


6. Elevate

[ To move or raise to a higher place of position; lift up ]

Elevation can be for self or for others. Living a life to elevate can be to elevate yourself as a person, in whatever that may look like for you; whether it be goals, family, school, etc. You may also seek to live a year that elevates and uplifts others. Regardless of how you choose to elevate, you will become a positive force of energy that is inevitably contagious.  


7. Self

[ A person or thing referred to with respect to complete individuality ]

Choosing the word self does not mean that you need to be selfish. It simply means choosing yourself, or putting yourself first. This is going to look different for everyone. If you are someone who has worn yourself thin in the past, or is constantly giving of yourself, then it might be time to care for yourself. This can be mentally, physically or emotionally. Only you know exactly what you need. Taking care of or doing something for yourself is not selfish. In fact, it will probably make you more effective in the long run.


8. Passion

[ Any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate ]

Passion cultivates momentum. It is important to be passionate about what you are pursuing in life. Living a year of passion entails pursuing what you are passionate about. If you have been coasting through life recently as someone who is indifferent to the path that you are on, then it might be time to re-evaluate and put yourself on a path where you are pursuing interests that bring passion to your life. If you continue in indifference, then before you know it you will blink and one day wake up in a position where you have no idea how you got there, or why you are even there. This can start by pursing a simple hobby that brings you a sense of passion. Passion is your fashion.


9. Creativity

[ The ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations etc; originality, progressiveness or imagination ]

You do not have to be a creative person by nature to live a year of creativity. If you are someone who considers yourself to be the opposite of creative, this might be a good opportunity to start thinking outside of the box and challenge yourself. You might be at liberty to make creative decisions and not necessarily play everything safe.


10. Cultivate

[ To promote or improve the growth of by labour and attention ]

A year of cultivation could be expanding on a skill set that you already possess. The goal here is to improve on who you already are and expand yourself as a person.


11. Hope

[ The feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best ]

Hope is choosing to believe in something. You can hope against all odds, or you can hope with the odds. Regardless, you are choosing to be optimistic and hopeful in the midst of various life circumstances.


12. Love

[ A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person (or thing) ]

Deciding on a year full of love means deciding to be tender and loving in various situations and circumstance. This can be toward yourself, others, situations, etc. Love is not necessarily a warm fuzzy feeling; it is a choice. Thus, you must choose to be loving, and to emulate love on a daily basis.


13. Dream

[ A series of thoughts, images and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep. While awake is a daydream ]

In a world where you are told to be practical in your decision-making, be a dreamer! Dream big dreams and then go put them into action and achieve them.


14. Risk

[ Exposure to the chance of injury or loss; a hazard or dangerous chance ]

If you are someone who likes to play it safe, this might be a good word for you. Nothing magical has ever happened from someone sitting in the limits of their comfort zone. Take some intentional risks, push yourself and watch the magic unfold in front of you.


15. Worthy

[ Having adequate or great merit, character or value ]

Regardless of how confident you are in yourself, it is always important to remember that you are worthy of greatness. You are someone who carries incredible worth. Surround yourself with people who see that and increase your worth. Never settle for less than what you are worth, and remember that you are worthy of greatness.


16. Believe

[ To have confidence in the truth, the existence or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so ]

Belief can transcend itself in many different ways. It can be faith, spirituality or the simple belief in yourself or others. Essentially, to believe is to choose a positive mindset where you choose to see the good in situations and people. You believe in your ability to accomplish something. This could be simple New Years resolutions, or that paper you need to get done by Friday. You believe in a friends potential. But ultimately, you don’t lose faith, and you don’t stop believing.


17. Courage

[ The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc, without fear; bravery ]

Depending on your life situations, you may need to actively seek courage to face each day. Or you may just need a little bit of extra courage. Only you can decide how much you need, and only you can decide to look each day in the face and conquer it with courage.


18. Brave

[ Possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance ]

Maybe the word courage just is not an appealing word to you. Brave might sound better. And what’s more is that there is a movie about your word. Again, you face each day with your hypothetical sword of bravery, ready to slay whatever may come your way. Be brave and slay.


19. Joy

[ The emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation ]

Although joy is described as being an emotion, you’d be fooling yourself if you weren’t able to admit that it is also a choice. You can choose to have joy in the midst of hard times, or about small stuff. It is simply choosing a more positive outlook on life. A year of joy means a year of choosing to look past the negative, and see the positive in various circumstances.


20. Inspired

[ Aroused, animated or imbued with the spirit to do something, by or as if by supernatural or divine influence ]

You never know when inspiration might decide to strike. In fact, it might be within the next year. To live a year that is inspired, you do not need to have constant “ah-ha’ moments, you simply need to keep an eye out for those things that inspire you. Or, choose to be inspired by things that may not have peaked your interest in the past. They may not work out, and you may still find them dreadful and boring, but hey, at least you gave them a shot, right?


21. Healing

[ Growing sound; getting well; mending ]

Healing is going to look a lot like restoration. Healing brings wholeness, forgiveness and growth. Sometimes you may not notice healing happening, but it is. You may seek to mend a broken heart (whatever that may look like), or broken relationships. Whatever it is, be cognisant to what areas you seek to bring healing to, and choose paths that will bring wholeness.  


22. Growth

[ The act or process, or a manner of growing; development; gradual increase ]

Ideally, you want every year to cultivate some sort of self-growth. As humans, we are always changing, developing and growing. However, this year you may wish to bring growth with intention. Be aware of who you are becoming, seek growth in yourself, your relationships and even your schooling. Put yourself in situations that will both grow and stretch you as a person. Be aware of who and what you are becoming. Plant your seeds and watch yourself grow and blossom.


23. Vision

[ The act or power of anticipating what which will or may come to be ]

Vision means anticipating your future with excitement and walking into it. The year is not just your top nine Instagram photos, or a mannequin challenge, it is the entire series of Friends: years of seasons, full of ups and downs and incredible friendships full of possibility and opportunity. Commit to your goals, set your eyes on the vision and live your life like a TV show full of highs and lows, laughs and cries, but most importantly, authenticity.


24. Change

[ To transform or convert ]

Change can be scary. It brings uncomfortable situations and erases the familiar and routine. However, change can also bring an abundance of opportunity. If you are graduating this year, then it is inevitable that many things are going to change. Be open to new adventures and opportunity and do not be quick to say no or close the door.


25. Thankful

[ Feeling or expressing gratitude; appreciative ]

Being thankful might be an attitude change. If you’re Willy whiner, or negative Nancy, it might be time to turn the attitude on it’s head and do a 180 degree turn around. Be intentional in finding something to be thankful for in various situations. Be thankful that you are here.


26. Embrace

[ To take or receive gladly or eagerly; accept willingly ]

Embrace life’s journey, speed bumps and all. Most importantly, embrace who you are becoming.


27. Limitless

[ Without limits; boundless ]

In other words; unlimited. Do not limit yourself to a box. There is a world of possibility and opportunity out there waiting for you to unleash. You are boundless, you are a straight up girl boss ready to take the world by storm. Nothing can stop you.


28. Be

[ To exist; occur or take place ]

The idea of being can carry a different meaning for each person. Ultimately, it is allowing yourself to be in each moment while it is taking place. Be present to the people around you. Be aware of your thoughts and emotions. Be true to who you are. Be yourself. To be is to embrace life to its absolute fullest, while living life with eyes wide open, heart aware and mind sharp, ready to experience every moment to its highest potential.


29. Ignite

[ Catch fire or cause to catch fire ]

Catch fire, light up the world, let your vibe be contagious and share your flame with those around you. Ignite a passion in all that you do. Be a trendsetter, and a fire starter. Start a hypothetical forest fire. Burn baby burn.


30. Authentic

[ Representing one’s true nature or beliefs; true to oneself or to the person identified ]

In the wise words of William Shakespeare, to thine own self be true. Do not compromise who you are. Speak the truth to yourself and others even when it hurts. Remember, your vibe attracts your tribe. An authentic vibe will attract an equally authentic tribe.


January is not over yet, and therefore it is not too late to name your year. Choose a word that suits the stage of life you are in, and one that will challenge you and bring momentum into your life. Spend the next 340(ish) days living with intention, focusing on bettering yourself and make 2017 your year.


Jana Lee Morris

Carleton '17

Jana is a Canadian native who ventured overseas and landed in the United Kingdom after graduation. Having achieved a degree in Visual Arts and English, she seeks to pass her passions onto the next generation; teaching in an English school. She is passionate about empowering individuals, has a deep love for food, and can often be found in her natural habitat in the classroom teaching, or in the gym training for powerlifting. On weekends and breaks, you can find her travelling and exploring new cultures, probably with local cusine in hand. Most of all, Jana is passionate about leanring, and ensuring everyone has the opportunity to learn - including herself. Soon, you will see her entering her eighth year of school to finally obtain a master's degree; four degrees later. If you want to follow along, you can find her on Instagram @janaleemorris_