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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

Most of us, by fault, mostly of human nature, are victims of time. Most of us don’t truly live in the present moment. You may be thinking, “Well of course I’m living in the present- I’m here now, aren’t I?”. The easiest way to explain what it means to genuinely live in the moment is by explaining what it means not to. 

Although it’s natural to have moments of thought, whether that be daydreaming/stressing about the future or reflecting on the past, we have to be careful not to have our lives be dictated by what has already been, or what is still to come. Seldom are we actually ‘here’- we have routined ourselves into regret and the “what ifs”, focusing on potential future outcomes. Again, it’s important to reflect on your past decisions as it helps you become self-aware and shapes the person you are becoming. Thinking about the future, of course, is a normal part of planning to help you visualize yourself down the road. However, you must remember that the present is all that can exist. This is what you feel right now, what you see right now. We often take for granted the value of living in the moment and what each moment means. Rather, we usually realize it’s worth only after it becomes a memory. 

Thoughtful woman writing in notebook at home
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

The accepted state of our fast-pace society has left us all victims of time, to some degree. It’s important to recognize that if we aren’t present, we are stuck between the past and future, neither of which actually exist. This rut prevents us from reaching true happiness and fulfillment in our lives. Ask yourself:

“Do you enjoy your job? Or are you watching the clock, waiting for the day to be over?”​

“Are the opinions of others in the past stopping you from being who you truly want to be?”

“Are you so stressed about doing well in school, for your future, that you don’t actually appreciate your education and what you’re learning?”

overhead view of a woman sitting in front of her laptop
Photo by energepic.com from Pexels

If this is you, I challenge you to surrender yourself to what is right now,at this moment. Let go of the unease. Whoever you are, wherever you are, fully commit to being there. Dedicate yourself to being fully present in the moment. Soak up what surrounds you right now. I promise that life will take care of the rest.

Darien Ahola

Queen's U '21

Darien is a fourth year student majoring in Health Studies at Queen's University. She enjoys going to the gym, watching The Office and plentiful amounts of Starbuck's Blonde Roast coffee (black, of course!)
HC Queen's U contributor