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Career > Her20s

A Guide to Being A Lucky Girl

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

Do you know that girl? The one who’s just so happy-go-lucky and everything works out perfectly for her? The lucky girl. 

This manifestation phenomenon that has taken over TikTok with over 102 million views uses the Law of Attraction to promote this positive mindset, allowing people to see the good in everyday life. The process of becoming a lucky girl is simple. You simply just tell yourself, “I’m such a lucky girl, everything always works out for me”—it’s as simple as that. However, in order for this manifestation technique to work, you need to believe it. The minute you truly believe that every single good thing is coming your way, you’ll begin to become aware of everything to be grateful for. 

I decided to try out this trend for myself because I figured I didn’t have anything to lose. After beginning this journey, I can say I’ve genuinely been having the best first week of school I’ve ever had. I also feel as though I’m becoming more confident speaking up in classes. I’ve had some interviews for summer jobs and everything I’ve needed to go right has gone perfectly.

But being a “lucky girl” isn’t necessarily a new concept. This is just the Law of Attraction in its most basic form. 

If you’re not familiar with the Law of Attraction, it’s the idea that every thought you have, positive or negative, has an energy and can bring these thoughts into your life if you believe in them hard enough. For example, have you ever gone into an exam convinced that you were going to fail?? And did you do well on that exam? If not, that’s because we are always subconsciously manifesting, good or bad.

The “Lucky Girl Syndrome” is an example of one of the many positive affirmations one can find on Pinterest, Instagram, and in this case, TikTok. Affirmations are one of the many, and probably the simplest way, people choose to manifest. Just by repeating positive statements to themselves as if they already have what they want. A few other examples that aren’t “I’m so lucky, everything works out for me” are “My confidence grows stronger each day”, and “I’m growing into the best version of me.” While these affirmations are extremely broad, you can use smaller more specific affirmations as well. Going back to the text example, something along the lines of  “I’m so grateful I passed this exam” or “I understand all the exam content.” As long as you genuinely believe in what you’re telling yourself, the Law of Attraction has the ability to work its magic. The whole process allows us to feel more motivated to work towards our goals while the universe lets the uncontrollable fall into place. 

One of the biggest things I’ve noticed since I started developing lucky girl syndrome is the gratitude I’ve felt towards life in general. Every day, I’ll think of at least one thing I’m grateful for, and recently I’ve been able to come up with so many more. It’s in reflecting on and appreciating the little things that allow you to realize all the good in your life despite what doesn’t go your way. 

There are so many ways to manifest your dream life but the lucky girl syndrome is so simple that anyone can become a lucky lucky girl.

Victoria is a third-year Bachelor of Arts student at Queen's University studying English. She is also a lover of music, romcoms, Formula 1, and is always open to book recs!