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8 Skills You Must Master Before Graduating College: Self-Care Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

Here’s part 2 of the ‘Skills You Must Master Before Graduating College’ series! This week we’re focusing on the importance of self-care. I was inspired to write this article after learning that some people believe that self-care is overrated and unnecessary, which is definitely not the case. Even though self-care can feel like a chore at first, after a few months of creating a routine, and making a conscious effort to make long-term changes, the rewards definitely outweigh the challenges. Throughout your college years, you will figure out what you’re passionate about and where your priorities lie.  However, without practicing self-care, you may feel so burnt out that you may not even notice the moments of joy that are right in front of you!

I’m not a self-care expert yet, but I’m certainly hoping to master the following list before graduating college. Wanna come along for the ride?

Photo by Kelli McClintock on Unsplash

1. Schedule Your Own Appointments

You’re too old for your mom to make your appointments for you! Pick up the phone, schedule your appointments, and jot down the dates in your phone or agenda. 

2. Learn How To Say “No”! 

Don’t feel like going to the club last minute? SAY NO. Don’t want your friend borrowing your favourite t-shirt? SAY NO. Saying no isn’t easy, especially for sensitive people like myself, but you can say it nicely! Be your own advocate and learn how to stick up for your own needs. 

3. Stick To A Sleep Schedule

I know staying up until 2:00 am sounds fun, but you’re going to regret it when you’re too drowsy to be productive during the day! The most important hours to sleep are between 10:00 pm and 2:00 am, so make sure to keep that in mind.  Set your alarm for a specific time every morning, and soon enough you may even be a morning person! *GASP*

Woman exercising indoors on yoga mat
Photo by Johnathan Borba from Unsplash

4. Stick To Your Exercise Routine 

Enrol in dance, spin, or Zumba classes at your college and make working out fun! Do at-home workouts with friends so you can’t back out at the last minute :) Remember, a short intensive workout can be way more effective, rewarding and sweat-inducing than two hours on the treadmill.  Choose quality over quantity!

5. Learn How To Meditate And Download Mindfulness Apps

Check out the apps Headspace and Breethe. They offer guided meditation sessions and breathing exercises that are worth trying out.  Netflix also just came out with a Headspace series which I’m dying to watch. Take 10 minutes and make meditation a part of your daily routine.   

6. Learn Basic Self-Defence 

Hopefully, you won’t ever be in a potentially dangerous situation, but if you are, knowing basic self-defence can save your life. There are tons of online classes that you can sign up for and hopefully learning these skills will make you more confident when you’re out and about. 

Black girl at computer desk writing in journal write natural work corporate african
Photo by RF._.studio from Pexels

7. Learn How To Journal

Bullet journaling has been popular over the past few years. You can also buy journals with prompts so that you won’t feel so lost when opening up your journal for the first time. Watch YouTube videos with journaling ideas and see how journaling can also help with manifestation.  

8. Create A Designated Space For Work

If you’re working from home, don’t take work calls while lounging in your bed! Sit at a desk in a different room and get dressed. This is soooo helpful because at night when you’re trying to unwind, you won’t associate your bed with work and stress.  


Julia Sable

Queen's U '21

Julia Sable is a fifth year student at Queen's University. She is passionate about writing and hopes to pursue a career in fashion.
HC Queen's U contributor