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The 6 Types of Best Friends We All Have

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.


In almost every TV show and movie, there’s the inseparable pair of best friends who just get each other. Whether it’s Leslie and Anne, Turk and JD, Meredith and Cristina, or Jake and Boyle, these friendships are amazing and strong, though maybe a little over-the-top and unrealistic.



Of course we love our friends — we share years of inside jokes with them, we know them better than we know ourselves, and life wouldn’t be the same without them. So let’s take a moment to appreciate our friends, who really are amazing, even if they’re not as in-your-face as Leslie Knope.


1. The Mom

This is your friend who shows she cares by asking how you slept or if you’ve eaten enough. She’s always monitoring drinks, checking in to see if you’re okay, and making sure every guy (or gal) you date is worthy of your time. She’s always there for you, and your mom probably loves knowing that you’ve got someone looking out for you when she’s not there.

2. The Grandma

Don’t feel like going out tonight and getting lit? This friend has your back; she’ll supply the movie, the wine and the face masks – and maybe even freshly baked cookies. You won’t be pressured into having an insanely late night or drinking more than you’re comfortable with. In the end, she keeps you down to earth and reminds you of what’s really important: good friends and good times.

3. The Good Student

If you miss class and need notes, need a partner for a group project, or want an assignment edited, this friend is more than willing to help you out. You know you can always rely on her, school-related or not. No matter what you need, she’s always there for you (and because of that, there’s nothing you wouldn’t do for her).

4. The Ghost

This is the friend you go months without talking to, but then pick up right where you left off when you do manage to connect. This friend is also known to appear unexpectedly via Skype or FaceTime, thus, the ghost.

5. The Long-Distance Relationship

When you have a best friend in a different city, you don’t get to see them very often, so when you do, every moment is cherished. Chances are you’ve been friends for years and the two of you know better than anyone that distance only makes the heart grow fonder. There’s a good chance you share your longest snap streak with this chick!

6. The Athlete

This friend is total #fitspo goals and you always beg her to whip you into shape (even though you know she’s worked crazy hard for years to get where she is). You’ve definitely wished you could see her more, because if she’s not at the gym, she’s at practice, in class, or sleeping. She may complain about how busy she is, but you’re always proud of her, because she works so damn hard.

Rachel Baitz is a fourth year Film and Media student at Queen's University, graduating in 2017.