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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

We all know that classic movie moment when the girl takes her glasses off and the quarterback realizes how beautiful she is. Well, I’m here to call this moment out. The girl was beautiful before she got contacts or learned how to tame her frizzy hair, and it’s time the quarterback and the world realized that. Movies with these moments make girls who don’t fit into traditional beauty standards feel like they need to change their appearance just to be beautiful. That needs to end, and here are 4 examples where it didn’t need to happen:

1. My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Toula looks beautiful with or without glasses and it’s important to recognize that.

2. Miss Congeniality

Gracie doesn’t fit the typical feminine stereotype and goes unnoticed by her male coworkers until she puts a dress and heels on and is suddenly beautiful to them? You don’t have to put on makeup and dress fancy to be considered beautiful, contrary to what this movie tells you.

3. The Duff

The whole premise of this movie speaks for itself. Bianca goes unnoticed the entire movie while she tries to change her appearance. It’s not until the end, when she has her “princess moment,” the the guy notices her. If your prince charming only appreciates you when you’ve spent two or more hours on your appearance, he doesn’t deserve you.

4. The Princess Diaries

This transformation into a princess is questionable to me, because is it really necessary to have smooth hair and 20/20 vision to be a princess? No. So why they presented it that way, I have no clue. Mia Thermopolis would have looked just as royal and beautiful with her tiara set on some frizz with a matching pair of bejeweled glasses.